Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Raw Milk Cure

Raw milk (from cows, goats, yaks, horses, sheep) has historically been considered a superfood. It has been used both in the daily diet (often fermented) and by special groups with extra nutritional needs, like the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, warriors, and sick people. An ancient Babylon text tells how raw milk was used to drive out the demons of sickness, "Bring milk and laban [curdled milk] that man become as pure as laban; like that milk may he become pure."(1)

A portion of raw milk was drunk fresh and warm from the cow (or other animal), but a lot of it was fermented, or cultured, into a variety of delicious products - yoghurt, kefir, cheeses, lacto-fermented beverages, etc. - due to both the lack of refrigeration and primitive people's knowledge of the health benefits of "probiotics".

As early as the 1800's, we have documented texts of medical doctors using a diet composed exclusively of raw milk to heal an incredible variety of diseases - ranging from asthma and diabetes to colitis, obesity and tuberculosis. How does raw milk work to heal such a variety of very different disorders?

Many of my readers who have gone on The IBD Remission Diet (an elemental diet used to induce disease remission) also found that a variety of other illnesses cleared up at the same time. This is one of the reasons I refer to the time on the Diet as a "healing spa". If the digestive system is the foundation of health in the body, and natural healing heals the entire body holistically, then of course you are going to see positive results in all aspects of your health. All of your organs and systems will heal and balance, over time, given the necessary tools. An elemental diet - and raw milk is truly the first, original elemental diet, provides the body with the tools to heal holistically.

In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, naturopathic physician Ron Schmid writes:

"According to late 19th century proponents, the 'secret' of the milk cure lies in the fact good raw milk is a food the body easily turns into good blood. In illness there is one or both of two conditions in the blood: insufficient quantity, or abnormal quality. The milk diet corrects both and, acting through the blood and the circulation, heals the cells and thus the tissues and organs. The muscles on a milk diet harden, almost like an athlete's, because they are pumped full of blood, as are the organs."(2)

However, there are some rules that need to be followed. As with The IBD Remission Diet, there are some crucial guidelines that need to be implemented to have success with the raw milk cure. Some of the doctors who used the raw milk cure with patients in the 1800's through to the 1930's used raw milk in conjunction with mild, easily digestible foods like fruit. But the vast majority swore by the need to consume only fresh, raw milk, and vast quantities of it.

One of the most prolific of these doctors, Charles Sanford Porter MD, published a book called, Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease in 1905. In the book he relates how at least 18,000 patients had been on the raw milk diet under his care in the last 37 years. This was not some fad diet, or quick-flash trend. This was a solid, scientifically proven method for healing mild to severe disorders. In 1929, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation (forerunner to the Mayo Clinic), J.E. Crew MD reported that he had been successfully using the raw milk treatment for the last 15 years. He said, "The results obtained in various types of disease have been so uniformly excellent that one's conception of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed. When sick people are limited to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth and maintenance, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine."(3)

The great thing is that many medical doctors in the U.S., Russia and Germany published their work and results using raw milk diets from the early 1800's to early 1900's, so we have good guidelines for implementation. Personally, from my experience with elemental diets and the rationale behind them, I agree with the majority of doctors who found that if you mixed other foods with the raw milk diet, it was not nearly as successful. The only other food I think you could mix with raw milk and perhaps see an added benefit from is clear homemade bone broths - boiled from organic meat and bones. I say this both because I have an intuitive sense that this would be okay (and perhaps add to the healing power of the regime), and because homemade bone broths have been very beneficial for people on The IBD Remission Diet.

Rules For The Raw Milk Cure

After perusing the writings of various doctors who worked extensively with raw milk treatments, here are the crucial implementation guidelines if you'd like to give the raw milk diet a try:

  • Use raw, untreated milk from pasture-fed cows only - milk has the highest curative value in spring and early summer when cows are eating new, high vitamin grass. Do not use milk from grain-fed or barn-bound cows.

  • Higher fat milk (from Jersey cows) is ideal. Be sure to use full-fat milk only (not 2% or skim).

  • The average adult must consume at least 3 - 4 quarts of raw milk per day. You can consume up to 10 quarts per day, if you wish (note: 4 cups = 1 quart).

  • Minimum duration of raw milk diet is 4 weeks to see good results. Follow with gradual food introduction of easily digested foods.

  • You must have complete rest during the diet - do not work, take care of family, go to school, etc. This is exactly what I advise people on The IBD Remission Diet, because healing takes a lot of energy.

  • Do not consume any other foods or beverages whilst on the diet, except filtered or spring water.

The importance of strictly adhering to these guidelines is summed up in the words of Dr. Charles Sanford Porter, MD:

"It is wrong, if not positively dangerous, to attempt the exclusive milk diet on any amount of milk less than that required to noticeably stimulate the circulation and promote body growth. There is no halfway method of taking the milk diet for people who have much the matter with them. Enough milk must be taken to create new circulation, new cells, and new tissue growth, and cause prompt elimination of the waste and dead matter that may be poisoning the system. With milk alone, digestion and assimilation may go on throughout practically the whole length of the alimentary canal. The addition of even a cracker to the milk seems to cause the stomach to hold all its contents for hours without discharging much into the intestine."(4)

How Long Do I Stay On The Diet?

Now you may be wondering how long you can safely stay on a raw milk diet. Amazingly, there is no limit. Raw cow's milk from pasture-fed cows is a complete, perfect food all by itself. In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, Ron Schmid ND, relates numerous stories of people who lived in perfect health for up to 50 years on raw milk alone. Here's just one of many examples; this is a letter from a man in Burlington, Iowa in 1913:

"I have lived on a strictly milk diet for the past forty-two years, not as a matter of choice, but from the fact that I am unable to take solid food of any kind, even a crumb of bread. At the age of two I took a dose of concentrated lye, which caused a stricture of the food pipe and since then have lived on a milk diet. I believe I have gotten along better than the man who eats. I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh one hundred and forty pounds, and am married and have four strong, healthy children. I take one quart at each mealtime and none between meals. My health is good, in fact I have never been ill in forty-two years."(5)

Dr. Schmid goes on to give many different examples of people who have had excellent health living on nothing but raw cow's milk for 3 - 50 years. This is very liberating information! Imagine if elderly people in nursing homes were given raw milk instead of Boost, Ensure and processed foods? Imagine if people with obstructions and strictures were given raw milk, rather than surgery, or having their colon removed?

How To Introduce Raw Milk

People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are often very hesitant to try raw milk due to bad experiences with pasteurized milk and sensitivity to milk proteins (keep in mind these proteins have been denatured by the pasteurization process). So what's the best way to start and test whether you can take advantage of this amazing superfood? Here are the guidelines I've used with myself and my children (who were not allowed to drink pasteurized milk) to introduce raw milk and test for tolerance:

  • Make sure you only use untreated, full-fat, raw milk from pasture-fed cows

  • If you have been highly sensitive to milk in the past, then start by making yoghurt from the raw milk. Raw milk yoghurt is the most highly tolerated of all raw milk products. Eat a small amount of yoghurt each day and gradually build up (see Jini's Raw Milk Yoghurt Recipe below).

  • If you like the yoghurt and tolerate it well, then you can make an Indian yoghurt drink called a lassi: Add a pinch of cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and your desired sweetener (stevia, maple syrup, honey) and stir to mix. Add some warm filtered water if the texture is too thick.

  • If you want to drink the raw milk straight, it's best if you drink it in isolation from other foods. For example, have it first thing in the morning and don't eat or drink anything else with it - consume it as you would an elemental shake (all by itself, on an empty stomach).

  • Warm the milk slightly to room temperature or lukewarm before drinking (but don't make it hot/boiling or you will kill the good bacteria and enzymes that facilitate digestion). Cold milk can be a shock to the system and harder to digest.

Before we found a source of raw milk, my kids would occasionally have a glass of pasteurized milk at a friend's house. And within half an hour they would have a bowel movement. Now keep in mind that my kids are perfectly healthy, with one formed bowel movement per day. If pasteurized milk affects them so negatively, imagine what it does to an already compromised digestive system? Raw milk is completely different. My kids drink as much raw milk per day as they wish and they still have only one formed bowel movement per day. I drink raw milk straight, eat raw milk cheeses, raw milk yoghurt, and make a shake from raw eggs and raw milk, and I've never felt better! If you'd like to source a raw milk supplier in your area go to: There are also lots of useful articles on the site if you're worried about safety issues, legalities, etc.


1. Barton, George A. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, pg 635.

2. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 76

3. Crewe, J. E. Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases, article, 1929

4. Porter, S. Charles Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease, 1905-1923

5. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 75


Traditional yoghurt recipes call for the milk to be heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, however, this destroys the beneficial enzymes present in raw milk. Therefore, I prefer to not heat the milk beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43°C). However, this usually results in a runny yoghurt (not firm). If you're going to use your yoghurt in shakes, smoothies or lassis, this is fine. However, if you prefer to eat firm yoghurt, you will need to add gelatin to help firm it up. So the recipe here includes gelatin, but if you're okay with runny yoghurt, then follow the recipe as is, minus the gelatin.

  • 4 cups raw whole milk

  • 2 teaspoons of Natren Yogurt Starter

  • 1 glass quart jar with lid, sterilized

  • 1 teaspoon powdered gelatin

1. Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan and sprinkle gelatin over surface of milk. Let sit for 5 minutes while gelatin dissolves.

2. Over low heat, stirring constantly, slowly bring the milk to 110°F (43°C), or until you can keep your finger in the milk while you count to 10.

3. Put the yogurt starter into the wide-mouth quart-size sterilized glass jar. Pour in about 1/2 cup milk and stir to mix really well with the starter.

4. Fill the jar with the rest of the milk, stir lightly, and screw on the lid.

5. Wrap the jar in a towel and let sit in a warm place*, for eight hours.

6. Unwrap and place in the refrigerator. Allow yoghurt to set in fridge (about four hours). If you want an even firmer yoghurt, next time add 1.5 or 2 teaspoons of gelatin.

*If you don't have a warm place, then put it inside your oven with the oven light on. Do not turn on the oven, just turn on the oven light and close the oven door. If you have a yoghurt-maker, use the recipe here and then follow instructions for your yoghurt-maker for incubation - but still best to incubate for 8 hours.

Note: Do not mix fruit or sweeteners directly into your main batch of yoghurt, as this will interfere negatively with probiotic activity and potency during storage. However, it is perfectly fine to scoop out a portion of yoghurt and mix in some fruit, jam, maple syrup or honey immediately prior to eating - just don't mix these in with your main batch that remains in the fridge.

Testing And Treatment For Leaky Gut Syndrome

It is often difficult to pin down an accurate diagnosis for leaky gut syndrome. The symptoms can be so varied and sometimes so vague that many patients will end up getting treated for a condition they do not even have.

The nourishment for our bodies is delivered through our gastrointestinal system. After we eat, our stomach begins the process of breaking down the food so that it can be absorbed. Enzymes help to reduce the size of the food particles and hydrochloric acid kills of pathogens before the food is passed on to the small intestine.

After passing through the stomach, food enters the small intestine where most of the nutrients needed for our body are absorbed. The small intestine is lined with villi (singular villus), small protrusions that increase the amount of area available to take in the digested food. The villi are rich in capillaries, which make it easy for food to pass through the villi into the bloodstream; this is considered to be normal intestinal permeability. When the normal condition of the small intestine has been upset, through yeast infection, stress, or any other causes, spaces open up between the villi that allow food and fat particles, as well as toxins, to enter the body cavity causing leaky gut syndrome.

The large intestine takes water and vitamins out of the food that passes into it. Although there are no villi in the colon, there are invaginations and goblet cells, which can also be subject to deterioration and increased intestinal permeability. As with the small intestine, openings can appear, passing all manner of toxins into the body.

Unsurprisingly, leaky gut syndrome will probably cause intestinal problems to begin with, and the patient can suffer from gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or muscular spasms in the belly. However, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and insomnia can also occur. It is easy to understand how leaky gut syndrome can cause such a range of problems as the contents of both intestines will be oozing out right into the surrounding tissues and organs. No part of the body will be safe from these contaminating substances.

Part of the trouble with correctly diagnosing leaky bowel syndrome symptoms is that they can be so broad or so vague that pinning down the cause can be difficult. Often a correct diagnosis is only reached by performing tests. One of the first will be to test for a Candida yeast infection. A blood test will be necessary for this, and the presence of certain antibodies will indicate that an overgrowth of yeast has occurred. A stool sample will also probably be called for, and this can not only indicate yeast, but also how well the food has been digested. Poorly digested foods can be a red flag for leaky gut syndrome.

If leaky guts have been caused by yeast, there are several ways to approach this problem. Traditional medicine will probably suggest using one of several antifungal prescription drugs. These can include Nystatin, which is considered safe, or such medicines as Nizoral or Lamisil, both of which have been linked to liver damage.

Another approach is to fight leaky gut syndrome with a diet designed to correct the problems in both intestines. This dietary approach will eliminate foods such as those containing gluten (breads and pastries), fermented beverages, processed foods, dairy products (especially cheese), and sugary foods. Changing your eating habits in this way can help your body repair itself, and can often provide a way to overcome leaky gut syndrome.

The Statistics for Crohns Disease Patients, Treatment Costs & Appropriateness

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services that accumulates and publishes the statistics for Crohns disease and other health problems, one in 500 people suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), the group of diseases that includes Crohns syndrome and ulcerative colitis. The National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) reports similar numbers. Approximately 544,000 people suffer from IBD in the United States. There are typically three or four new cases per 100,000 people reported annually.

Crohns syndrome and ulcerative colitis are not considered life threatening diseases (less than 1000 deaths are attributed to IBD annually), but they do affect quality of life. According to a study published in August 2006, newly diagnosed pediatric patients did report an improvement in overall quality of life within the first year of diagnosis. The average age of the patients studied was between 11 and 13 years. 23% suffered from ulcerative colitis. The statistics for Crohns disease was 77% of those included in the study. Quality of life is of major concern for anyone who suffers from IBD, but the negative impact on children and teenagers can be great. There was no reported difference in quality of life between those who suffer from ulcerative colitis and those who suffer from Crohns syndrome.

While ulcerative colitis and Crohns syndrome rarely result in death, they do lead to approximately one hundred thousand hospitalizations per year in the United States. Sixty four thousand are the statistics for Crohns disease or 64% of the hospitalizations attributed to IBD. Approximately 700,000 doctor's office visits are attributed to IBD annually.

Doctor's visits and hospital stays cost Americans who suffer from digestive diseases an estimated $87 billion in 1992. Another $20 billion was spent on indirect medical costs, which includes disability and mortality. The statistics for Crohns disease disabilities is estimated at 119,000 Americans. Thus, of the 544,000 who suffer from Crohns syndrome 22% are unable to work.

In Europe, concerns about appropriate treatment for Crohns syndrome led to a study in which 10 gastroenterologists, 3 surgeons and 2 general practitioners from 12 different countries evaluated their colleagues' treatment of Crohns syndrome patients. The results were not good. The panel found that treatment was inappropriate 52% of the time. After evaluating the statistics for Crohns disease treatment, this expert panel came up with a set of guidelines for practitioners to use to help them treat patients appropriately.

The Department of Gastroenterology in London reported in February 2006 that the use of complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of Crohns syndrome and ulcerative colitis, particularly herbal therapies, is widespread and increasing. According to the study, there is evidence that aloe may be effective for reducing inflammation and pain associated with IBD. Studies of patients treated with acupuncture were promising. Their concern is that certain herbal preparations may interact with prescription medications and if not used under doctor's supervision may not be safe. There is also some concern over the quality of products patients receive. The statistics for Crohns disease treatment with herbal or alternative therapies relating to effectiveness or safety are unavailable, as no surveys or studies have been done at this time, but at least some doctors believe they are needed. To learn more about natural, botanical and herbal remedies for Crohns disease and other digestive problems, visit

Vitamins For Ulcer

In the past people suffering from peptic ulcers were restricted from taking small amount of bland food and milk regularly. Researches however showed that this in no way helps in decreasing the recurrence of ulcers. However, a diet rich of fibers may minimize the chances of developing ulcers, and will help in fast healing of the existing ones. In particular, fiber found in fruits, vegetables are very protective, and with vitamin contained in most of these foods, the benefits are increased.

There are some evidences that show that exercise helps in reducing the risk of ulcers in some people. In a study in 2000, it was found that although exercise is helpful for men but it has null effect on ulcer development in women. Stress relief programs are not known to have an impact on ulcer healing. However, they have other health benefits that are useful.

Treat Ulcer with Vitamin A
When it comes to ulcers, the main role of Vitamin A is to protect the lining of the stomach so that the sore, if in case it developed already, won't get worse. Vitamin A also allows for the speedy healing of the affected areas of the small intestines. Patients suffering from peptic ulcer are advised to take foods rich in Vitamin A and dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables.

Doctors would normally recommend peptic ulcer patients an initial dosage of 25,000 IU of Vitamin A daily for an entire week. Then the dosage is reduced to just 10,000 IU everyday for maintenance. However, pregnant women or those who want to get pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000 IU of Vitamin A daily.

Vitamin C can help Ulcer
Vitamin C works favorably for the patients of peptic ulcer because it directly inhibits the growth the very bacteria that cause the disease. Also, if the H. pylori bacteria were abundant, it would directly impair the body's absorption of Vitamin C. When this happens, the patient has higher risks of developing stomach cancers from the condition that merely started as peptic ulcer.

The normal dosage of Vitamin C for peptic ulcer patients is 1,000 mg taken twice a day. Because Vitamin C could induce diarrhea, the dosage can also be taken in a buffered form.

A hormone found in the brain that has a role in sleep is known as Melatonin. Researchers have found that the hormone might have properties that will help in preventing ulcers along with reduction in acid secretion and an improvement in blood flow. Until now, it is not known if it will benefit people with peptic ulcers but it might well do so. However, high doses of Melatonin have adverse affects like mental impairment, severe headache and nightmares.

In the past anti acids were the drugs that were preferred for ulcers but now it has been replaced with proton pump inhibitors. There are natural alternatives that work really well to heal ulcer and can be used with other prescribed drugs. Researchers claim Deglycrrhizinated licorice {DGL) as a good complement to the therapeutic measures recommended by your health care professional. DGL works positively by addressing the underlying factors causing ulcers rather than trying to hide the symptoms. DGL works by promoting the natural defense mechanism that is already present in our body to fight against ulcers. Other drugs that are also beneficial in curing ulcer carry some side effects along with them but DGL has no side effect.

Therefore, although there is no sure cure for ulcers but choices available for getting rid of it are many and a proper treatment will see you through. The patient must consult the doctor for proper treatment and correct guidance. If the patient reaches at the early stage, ulcers can be easily cured with fewer complications.

Do You Experience Explosive Diarrhea After Eating?

Explosive diarrhea after eating is not pleasant: you go out to a restaurant, and enjoy a beautiful meal but within a half hour you start to feel stomach cramps, and that horrible feeling in your bowels that something is about to happen!

I am sure you know the feeling - we all get it now and again, but some of us a lot more than others. The cramps get worse, and you have to rush to the rest room where you have explosive diarrhea. The problem is that you never know when you are finished, and it can be extremely embarrassing. Wouldn't you just love to have that cured?

Of course you would, and there are a few possible reasons for diarrhea after eating, such as allergy to the gluten in many foods, although the most common is IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome to give it its Sunday name. This is a condition that affects up to 20% of all Americans.

The root cause of IBS usually is not a single trigger but a complex set of triggers, with explosive diarrhea after eating as one of the main symptoms. IBS can be tied with celiac disease, which is an intolerance to the gluten protein in some grains such as wheat. It is difficult to know where the beginning starts with these types of digestive issues, thus it is a condition that has to be targeted from several directions.

Main stream medicine has trouble diagnosing IBS, because it has such similar symptoms as several other digestive disorders. In fact IBS not only causes diarrhea, but can also cause the exact opposite: severe constipation. The way that IBS is generally diagnosed is to test with very invasive procedures for all other known causes of the symptoms, and once none are left it must be IBS. How unscientific! No wonder that the best remedies for you are natural ones. Let's discuss a few alternative diarrhea cures that you can try.

1. Your diet. It is probably worth while trying a gluten free diet just to make sure that is not the cause. Lactose can also cause similar symptoms, so if you keep free of these for a week or so and the symptoms disappear, then you could have found your cure. However, celiac disease occurs in only 1 in each 133 of the population: a long way away from 20%!

2. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables can help some people. You might feel tempted to increase your fiber intake, but that can often cause symptoms of bloating and gas. Many find that bananas can help both the diarrhea and constipation symptoms of IBS. Many people swear by them, and so are worth a try. The high potassium content of bananas helps replace potassium that is lost through diarrhea, and also helps in the proper formation of stools. Juiced greens also seem to be an effective treatment for some.

3. Activated charcoal absorbs gas and toxins, and helps your stool to form properly.

4. Garlic is useful in that it helps to remove parasites and mucus from your colon, and fights infections in the gut. It also expels gas, and a combination of all of these effects can help relieve some of the symptoms of your condition. A side-benefit of garlic is that it is also good for your heart!

5. Slippery elm taken with a lot of water can coat the colon, and treat chronic diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. It appears to soothe and heal your whole gastro-intestinal tract and help you to form normal stools.

6. Where children are involved, agrimony and meadowsweet are very useful because they are mild but effective herbal remedies for explosive diarrhea after eating, and meadowsweet is both astringent and nutritious for children.

Diarrhea after eating can also be caused by drinking too much alcohol, infections from contaminated food or water, parasites and also emotional stress and other similar conditions. An example of one of the minor causes is withdrawal from some forms of prescription painkillers.

However, most of these cause only temporary diarrhea which goes when the condition is cured. Nevertheless some other natural remedies reflect one or two of these other causes. So, to continue:

7. Stress relieving herbs such as catnip and chamomile are particularly effective in treating IBS and other conditions of the bowel, and far more effective that St. John's Wort for this condition. Kava kava and valerian are useful in dealing with general stress: in fact kava kava is increasing in popularity, and can relax you without affecting your mental alertness. Hops also help to reduce stress, but not in the form of beer!

8. Finally, probiotic drinks and supplements can increase the volume of friendly bacteria in your gut, and improve your digestion in general as well as regulating the function of your bowel.

All of these remedies are a good place to start for overcoming explosive diarrhea after eating. They are easy to try, and actually aid your body in healing, unlike many of the manufactured chemical drugs that can have severe side effects, only address the symptoms and not the root causes, and can even make your condition worse.

While main stream medicine still does not recognize the causes of IBS and struggles to give definitive diagnoses, if you are struggling with diarrhea after eating or other digestive disturbances, you can try these natural remedies since they are easy to take and give good results. They have been recommended after countless years of successful use by untold numbers of people that have gone before us.

Colitis Symptoms - What is it and How to Treat?

People are frequently got confused of colitis symptoms and Crohns Disease signs and symptoms as they are somewhat similar. Though both colitis symptoms as well as Crohns Disease affect the digestive system, in fact they are apparently different in different ways. This will be explained in this article to aid you tell the difference of both conditions.

What Is Colitis?

Colitis basically is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the large intestines or colon. When this part of the body is inflamed, it can cause ulcers that bleed and produce a mucus or pus sometimes.

As regards the causes of this condition, there are a lot of theories arise. There are also many research have been done without definite answer, however. This condition frequently shows up in the form of flare ups.

Prescription drugs and dietary changes are two of the most common treatments for this condition. This would include removing the affected part of the colon. This is usually used only as a final resort.

Once it becomes apparent that the condition is present, you have to seek treatment immediately. Diarrhea causes the body to lose fluids faster than normal. Dehydration and malnutrition can result from this.

When coping with colitis symptoms, the way it affects a person's daily life is another factor that is needed to be considered. This can also be a so embarrassing condition to deal with by reason of the part of the body that is affected. When treating colitis, it's important to cope with the psychological affects and the physical.

Time and again, coping with colitis symptoms can lead to changes of major lifestyle and even can affect the quality of a person's life hugely. Herein, the support groups are more common as a way of coping with this.

Answer all questions of yours in regard to colitis symptoms

Fertility Treatment and Craniosacral Therapy

--- Fulfill your dreams - have a baby and build a family ---

Perhaps one of the most thrilling moments in a couple's life is the culmination of a healthy pregnancy, when they can hold their newborn baby for the first time. However, for many couples, this process does not come easily. Cranial Sacral Therapy is helping couples, for whom conception, pregnancy and childbirth has become a long and painful process, to realize their dream.

There are many possible causes of fertility problems, and in each situation there are couples where Craniosacral Therapy (CST) has enhanced and complemented the fertility process, making it quicker, more effective and reducing stress and pain. This applies to couples who going through a medical fertility program, as well as those who have chosen to use other methods to help them.

---How does CST work?--

Our treatment focuses on releasing physical stresses and tensions or lesions in the layer of tissue called fascia which surrounds all of your organs and your nervous system. These tensions can reduce the effectiveness of your nerves - which are the main channel for passing information around your body. Fascial restrictions can also affect the hormonal system which is of central importance to the timing and maintenance of a pregnancy. As fascia also surrounds internal organs, including the womb, tensions here can reduce their function or ability to heal or adapt to the changes that occur during pregnancy.

Fascia can become stressed due to illnesses, injury surgery or inflammation in the body and this is a reaction of the body in order to protect itself from further injury.

CST is calming and gentle; it enhances your body's abilities to function properly, greatly reduces the tensions in the fascial layers of your body and rebalances your hormonal and nervous systems to allow them to function at their best. It improves blood flow to all parts of your body which leads to enhanced organ function, as more oxygen is able to reach them. This will also increase your energy, further reduce your stress levels and speed up your body's ability to heal and repair itself.

As further fascial restrictions are treated, CranioSacral Therapy improves the mobility and freedom of your internal organs to move and adjust to the body's needs during pregnancy. Put all of these improvements together, and your chances of conceiving and reaching full term increase tremendously. Treatment can be in conjunction with, or instead of, your formal medical Fertility program.

---About treatment--

For us, one of the most thrilling aspects of our work is to know that we have helped you on your path to a happy future.

For more information on how Craniosacral therapy can help you or to book an appointment

email: or visit the website

Friday, May 31, 2013

Siberian Chaga Mushroom - Herbal Therapy and Side Effects

Siberian Chaga mushroom is a famous Russian folk remedy used to prevent and treat cancer since ancient times. It was noticed that where people used to drink chaga tea instead of ordinary tea the cases of cancers were very rare.

There is a lot of information on internet already about chaga mushroom. I would like to talk about how chaga mushroom is used in cancer treatment, prevention and recovery from chemotherapy and if there are any side effects and counter indications.

Herbal therapy and Chaga Mushroom

Herbal therapy is widely used in oncology as a support for medical treatment of cancer and recovery after the chemotherapy. It reinforces the therapeutic effect of different medications. Chaga mushroom is one of those herbal remedies that is best used as a support for anti tumor therapy.

Siberian chaga mushroom is a powerful treatment on its own but its properties can also be enhanced with other herbs, all of them are anti cancer active as well.

They are:

- Sweet flag

- Calendula flowers

- St. John's wort

- Plantain

These herbs can be simply brewed as tea in equal proportions. You can add 2 teaspoons of chaga decoction to them and drink it 3-4 times a day.

It is worthwhile to mention that the following herbs are used for treatment of cancers of gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity:

- Yarrow (grass)

- Rose hips (fruit)

- Wormwood (grass)

- Licorice root

- Pine buds

These herbs can be used with the following recipe:

Soak all ingredients for 1 hour in water (1 part of dry herbs and 10 parts of water). Boil it. Then use a method called "water bath" - put a bowl or a saucepan with concoction in an another saucepan with boiling water and keep it there on a very low heat for 2 hours. Remove from the heating and leave it for 24 hrs. Strain, add a little bit of honey and apple vinegar, mix it all. Store the mixture in the fridge and take 1 tea spoon 30 min before food 3 times a day. Use it for 2 weeks as an extra support for treatment with chaga mushroom.

It is important to follow the dose and time instructions as the side effects can occur. First of all there can be an allergy on herbs.

Also there is an evidence of successful chaga treatment used together with a decoction of red berries of guilder-rose.

It can be used in treatment of stomach and duodenum cancer.

As a general rule there are 2 methods of chaga therapy. First methods is to use it for 3 months with short breaks (for a week) and another one is to use it for short periods but many times in long term within a year.

The first method reveals quicker results but the second scheme is used to consolidate the results of treatment and to prevent metastases.

Counter Indications:

There are some limitations you have to remember if you consider chaga treatment. It is important to stick to them for better results.

Do not use chaga therapy if you:

- take glucose intravenously

- take antibiotics especially penicillin related

- have dysentery and chronic colitis

One thing that must be seriously considered during chaga mushroom therapy is sticking to a vegetarian diet. You have to limit your meat intake and completely avoid all animal fats, smoked food, spicy and canned food.


Y. Zaharov. Cancer and Herbs: prevention and treatment, 2006

V. Vishnev. Mastopathy: Salubrious Herbs of Motherland, 2004

M. Polevaya. Chaga. Cancer can be defeated!, 2005

How Can I Become More Alkaline Easily?

To make the body more alkaline, there are a lot of things to change, especially in the lifestyle. But most people fail to accomplish the dietary plans it is, perhaps, because of too much requirements in lifestyle change.

If you aim to succeed in changing your lifestyle in a long term basis, you should use the simpler and easier techniques as these are most effective most of the time.

One of these simple techniques is to drink lemon water throughout the day. Just by using fresh cut lemons and water as your water therapy will surely make your bloodstream and system alkaline. Since this is quite a simple technique, you can do it every day. But you can also go for a full Master Cleanse Diet if you want to attain maximum benefit from this detoxification and cleansing process.

The main ingredients of the Master Cleanse Diet for your detoxification are lemon juice, raw maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

The lemon is naturally rich in acid but it is also rich in minerals that are very helpful in alkalizing the body, especially after it has been digested. The juice neutralizes and wards off the free radicals and toxins to clean the blood as the juice contains diuretic and diarrheic effects keeping away all the wastes and toxins from the body.

Drinking lemon water is as easy as cutting a small piece of a lemon and putting it into a glass of water anytime of the day in your home. If you are going out, to the office or somewhere else, you can also bring a lemon anywhere. It does not only taste good, it also helps your body to detoxify, especially after eating heavy meal. Just make sure to add not any sweetener or sugar to avoid making it acidic.

Drinking this lemon water everyday will help improve your metabolism for a healthier and more alkaline body. And with an improved metabolism, losing weight will never be a problem for you anymore.

But although this simple process is very good for the health, this can also harm those people who have an acidic digestion tract problem, such as ulcerative colitis. They should avoid taking lemon and other citrus fruits because of its citric acid content because it stirs up excessive acids in their digestive system. What they should try is the vegetable juice cleansing diet which also helps the body to gently detoxify the excessive acids and toxins. After this, they can drink lemon juice or water.

There is also a simpler and much easier way to achieve detoxification, and that is to have your own alkaline water ionizer at home. You can alter your choice of drinks, from soda, tea, coffee, or any other drinks to alkaline water, starting from the time you wake up to the time you are going to bed. Your body will be hydrated and detoxified.

Flaking Nails


Can you give me any advice about paper-thin, flaking nails? I follow a fairly low-fat diet because of cholesterol problems but I don't think it is extreme, and have other health problems including vitiligo. My nails are so bad that they make everyday activities a problem and playing the piano is impossible.


Nails reflect the state of one's general health. In fact, traditional physicians look at nails to diagnose various internal problems. Normally the nail takes four months to grow from the skin fold (cuticle) to the edge of the finger. Serrations or lines across the width of the nails show that there has been an inflammation or illness in the body. So if you have a single line across the nail around the midway line, you can trace its origins to an inflammation (such as joint ache, bad injury or fracture) or infection (such as sinus, tonsils, bladder) about two months before.

White spots on the nails indicate zinc or calcium deficiency. Ridges along the length of the nails testify to chronic inflammation of the body (such as sinusitis, colitis, gastritis, eczema). Clubbing or drumstick-like appearance of the fingertip suggests chronic lung disease( such as bronchitis or asthma) or a long-term inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis. pitting and uneven surface of the nails indicate some soft of fungal infection or psoriasis. Flaking nails, however, suggest that there is chronic malabsorption of calcium or a calcium deficiency in the blood. Calcium acts as the cement for the elastic fibres that fortify and roughen the nails so a deficiency will leave them loose and the nails will flake.

Lack of calcium is caused by:

*Poor synthesis of vitamin D, which facilitates calcium absorption in the colon.

* Lack of calcium in the diet, often due to a vegan or strict vegetarian diet (no animal protein means a poor level of vitamin D which is present in animal products).

*Poor absorption of calcium in the colon, usually caused by chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea or inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis.

All your muscles need calcium to contract. A calcium deficiency will cause inactivity in the muscles. The body needs to move all the time and the heart muscles have to contract rhythmically 24 hours a day. If there is a chronic deficiency, the muscles of the calves and toes go into a cramp to prevent any activity in them. So the demand for calcium is high and its presence in your blood is crucial. If your body detects a drop in the calcium level in your blood, it 'steals' it from the bones (leading to osteoporosis) and stops supplying it to less essential areas including joints, walls of blood vessels, teeth and nails. So someone with calcium deficiency may suffer from flaky nails, weak teeth or tooth enamel and bruising under the skin, as well as, potentially, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

To prevent your nails flaking, do the following:

* Make sure you are nor constipated: drink 1.5 to two litres of water daily, eat papaya, prunes and figs for breakfast, and take lsabgol psyllium husks with two tablespoonfuls of warm water or milk, and two tablets of Herbolax at bedtime for one month.

* Take breaks in the sun, either in a garden or park or at a window; sit near windows whenever possible and get as much sun as possible on your face, body and arms.

* Home-made chicken broth contains gelatine, calcium and other important minerals. Boil baby chicken, cut into pieces and seasoned with garlic, ginger, bay leaves and a cinnamon stick, in five to six pints of water, for 90 minutes on a slow heat. Strain and drink one cup of the broth an hour before your evening meal.

* Eat organic cottage cheese with manuka honey and crushed walnuts to boost your protein and calcium levels.

* Soak whole fresh almonds and hazelnuts in water at room temperature for 24 hours and eat ten of each daily. Their zinc content is also essential to healthy nails.

* Take a supplement of Coral Calcium: mix two sachets in 1.5 litres of water and drink the water throughout the day. This is an easily absorbed source of calcium.

* Eat organic chicken, fish, eggs and meat which are good sources of fat-soluble vitamin D.

* Take 400ius of vitamin E daily for three months, to encourage healthy nail growth.

Colon Cancer Preventions And Precautions

There are numerous factors and underlying conditions responsible for the development of colorectal cancer. Some of the factors including age, family history of colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) and diverticulitis are beyond human control. To deal with these risk factors the only two helpful steps involve symptoms recognition and frequent screening tests for colorectal cancer.

The potential risk of colorectal cancer increases in people above 40 years of age. People have to be really cautious about their diet and lifestyle after this age in order to increase their natural immunity against colorectal cancer. They must be able to recognize the symptoms associated with colon cancer and they must have a screening test like colonoscopy, which is recommended after every 10 years. The main objective of these screening tests is to detect this cancer in the early stages, when the chances of survival are above 90%. However, the tragedy is that most of the patients are diagnosed at late stages, when the treatment becomes less effective.That is the sole reason behind almost 50,000 deaths in USA each year, because of colon cancer. Experts strongly believe that this mortality rate can drop to 60% with early diagnosis of colon cancer. Therefore, professional have a great emphasis on encouraging people to go for the screening tests. One major hurdle in the early detection of this cancer is that people feel embarrassed to talk about the issues related to their bowels and have unknown fear about the screening tests for colon cancer. Only awareness about the disease and procedures can overcome these hurdles.

Controllable factors to avoid colon cancer include dietary and lifestyle changes. The diet which strengthens the colon functioning and makes it less vulnerable to diseases includes low fats, vegetables, fruits and foods which are high in natural fiber. Avoidance of red and processed meat is highly recommended. One should give more preference to fish, which has omega 3 fatty acids that lower the risk of colon cancer. Moreover, avoidance of smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption is mandatory in order to reduce the risk this life threatening illness.

One cannot underestimate the significance of regular exercise and its positive effects on health. Doctors highly recommend 30 minutes of daily exercise along with other lifestyle changes for preventing colorectal cancer. Obesity is one of the risk factors for colorectal cancer, therefore maintaining a healthy weight must be a serious concern.

Leaky Gut Syndrome - Ulcerative Colitis And Other Associated Diseases

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome as all of them are linked to abnormal immune function. As its name suggests, the syndrome is characterized by increased intestinal permeability leading to an increase in the passage of substances from the intestines into the bloodstream.

Normally, intestinal cells are held tightly against each other. In case of leaky gut syndrome these cell junctions no longer remain tight increasing the permeability and allowing toxins, bacteria and allergens to leak into the bloodstream. In an effort to destroy these substances, the body produces immune reactions that cause inflammation. Such an inflammation occurring inside the large bowel leads to the formation of ulcers in which case the condition is termed as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The irritation in the bowel as a result of abnormal cell permeability also causes abdominal distress and hampers normal bowel movements in which case the condition is termed as irritable bowel syndrome.

The major causes for leaky gut syndrome that is implicated in ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases are suggested to be intestinal infections, poor dietary practices, chronic gluten exposure, stress, excessive consumption of inflammatory drugs and environmental contaminants. Symptoms include fatigue, anemia, improper bowel movements, abdominal distress, joint pains etc.

Altered intestinal permeability is by far the major objective for the treatment of this syndrome that is associated with ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases. This objective is realized through nutritional supplements such as vitamin A, glutamine and zinc and through the use of herbs such as aloe, slippery elm, licorice etc. Stress management is also crucial in alleviating the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

One of the earliest signs of a leaky gut is the presence of lymphocytic enteritis that increases Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) which in turn increases the risk for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Therefore, treatment also includes the use to anti-TNF agents such as remicade and humira that are already proven to control inflammation in colitis and Crohn's disease.

Since prevention is always better than cure, it is better to prevent a leaky gut than seek a cure for it. Preventive measures in this case include proper dietary management through the use of fresh foods, balanced diets and regular meals and more importantly the use of probiotics that are said to not only prevent but also treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis, the Bowel Disease of Chronic Inflammation

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease in which the inner lining of the large intestine (colon or bowel) and rectum become inflamed, Ulcerative colitis is a serious disorder which is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, fever, chills and profuse diarrhea.

Ulcerative colitis causes both inflammation and sores, also called ulcers, in the lining of the colon and rectum. The ulcerated areas occur in the areas where inflammation has killed off the protective cells that usually line the colon. The inflammation and ulcers lead to pain, bleeding, and the hallmark symptom of profuse and nearly uncontrollable diarrhea.

The inflammation typically begins in the rectum and the sigmoid or lower colon. It may then spreads upward throughout the entire colon. However, except for the lower section, call the ileum, this disease rarely invades the small intestine. Other names for ulcerative colitis include proctitis, enteritis, ileitis and colitis.

Currently the cause is unknown, although many theories exist. Some researchers believe that it is hereditary; others believe that it is due to a bacteria or viral invasion, and still others believe it is a defect in the immune system in which the body's antibodies actually attack the colon.

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody or pus-filled diarrhea. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, rectal bleeding, anemia, loss of body fluids and nutrients and fever.

Patients may also experience joint pain, rashes, skin lesions, and abscesses. Typically the onset of ulcerative colitis is gradual. However, in some cases the onset can be rather severe with the diarrhea and bleeding being much more significant. Because many of these symptoms can mimic other disorders it is important to see your physician so that an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can begin.

There is currently no known cure for ulcerative colitis except for removal of the colon. Some helpful treatments include medications such as steroids designed to control or lessen the inflammation of the colon can help to improve the diarrhea and cramping. Antibiotics may also be used to help control the disorder.

Other medications may be used to control the pain and diarrhea of ulcerative colitis. Dietary changes can also help. For example, during an acute attack of ulcerative colitis, your physician may suggest that you avoid milk, milk products and bulky, heavy fiber foods.

A healthy diet with sufficient calories and adequate protein will help in overall well being. Hospitalization may be necessary in order to correct malnutrition, dehydration or mineral imbalances and to stop the diarrhea.

Surgery may also be required for difficult cases of ulcerative colitis. In cases of excessive bleeding, a perforation of the colon or even a debilitating lifestyle impact from the disease may all be appropriate reasons for surgery to remove the colon. Surgery is generally looked to as a last resort option after all other treatment options have failed.

Ulcerative colitis mimics several other bowel disorders and must be aggressively managed in order to avoid long term damage to the colon and a significant impact on the overall health of the sufferer.

Talk with your physician today and determine the best and most aggressive course of treatment for your disease.

An Introduction to Blood Tests for Colitis and Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative colitis is a brutal disorder that is exemplified by frequent occurrences of abdominal pain, soaring temperatures, nausea and acute dysentery. There is no definite cause for ulcerative colitis. The most widespread risk factor ascribed to this disease is an uncharacteristic assaulting of the intestine or bowels by one's own immune system. It may also be attributed to heredity. Of late, studies have shown smoking to cause this ailment. Other aspects such as diet and an assortment of infections may also cause colitis.

If you have any of the above symptoms, a simple blood test can confirm this disease. You can take advantage of a simple test that can be done at home. You can prick and collect a small amount of blood as sample. This can be sent to a pathological lab where further tests will be undertaken to reveal the presence of any antibody to particular food items. Antibody blood tests look for specific markers of ulcerative colitis, called serological markers.

Crohn's disease is also an inflammatory ailment of the bowel and the intestines which greatly distresses a large portion of the GI tract -from mouth to rectum. This in turn leads to a range of indications. It primarily causes abdominal ache, dysentery, vomiting along with weight loss. It could also provoke the inflammation of skin, arthritis, and swelling and tenderness of the eyes, weakness and an attention deficit. Crohn's disease is regarded as an autoimmune disease, in which the body's own immune response overwhelms the GI passage and causes the inflammation.

Blood tests are necessary for the diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. The physician cannot identify the disease based only on the symptoms. Blood tests for anemia may show if there is a blood loss in the intestine. If the white blood cell count in the blood tests is high, then it might indicate an inflammation in any other region of the body.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is another common colitis affecting many people. Essentially, this is a result of an extremely prone GI tract. Irritable bowel syndrome can have diverse medical manifestations. The symptoms can vary from diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains or lost ability to hold food. All these symptoms are the indications of the same ailment.

Blood tests for irritable bowel syndrome involve a complete blood count or CBC to search for indications of bleeding or anemia. Prolific WBC count and/or platelet count might indicate an irritation or infection. Fecal blood tests are also used to diagnose IBS.

In short, many people suffer from these inflammations of the GI tract. Getting to know some of the tests for diagnosing the same may help these people.

Anal Fissures and Fistulae

Anal fissures and fistulae are not very common but when they occur, they become a painful and unpleasant condition. Rectal tearing is distressing and highly resistant to treatment and everybody endures it at some point in their life. This tear in the lining of the anus or the skin around it is called anal fissure. Fistulae are the abnormal channels from the anus which open onto the skin surrounding the anus.

Anal fissure and fistula have no specific causes but constipation is commonly associated with them. They are also associated with a number of conditions resulting in an inflammatory digestive tract. These conditions may be Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis or many more. Fistula is caused by collection of pus called abscess or infection, in one of the glands near anus and it may also result in multiple anal fissures.

The fistula symptoms and complications for anal fissure may be sudden and severe pain in the anus or the surrounding area. The pain may occur spontaneously or during or shortly after the passage of a hard stool. The pain is recurring and sharp and gets worse with a bowel movement. Due to this, the victims avoid opening the bowels which worsens the constipation and so the fissure takes more time in healing. This condition is also associated with 'sentinel pile', a haemorrhoid - a small vein from inside the anus lying outside- which may bleed sometimes and leave a blood streak on toilet paper.

Anal fistula is generally associated with painful abscess, which may be dull and throbbing, in or near the anus. The abscess has a pus discharge which may be blood-stained. The fistula formation results in continuous seeping of pus or a thin, watery fluid from the anus, which can also be blood-streaked. Large abscesses may also cause fever. Fistula symptoms may also be loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever and weight loss.

Anal fissure and fistula need care and treatment. The care to be taken is firstly having a fiber rich diet with fruits and vegetables which prevents the fissures occurrence and fastens the healing process. Medications are also used if healthy diet is not sufficient, for controlling constipation, with over-the-counter medicines. Creams or ointments that contain pain-killing local anesthetic agents are very useful at relieving the pain of anal fissures. Relief of the pain reduces the spasm in the muscles of the anus, which often prevents the fissure from healing.

IBS and Bowtrol Colon Cleanse

As much as 1 in 5 men and women experience suffering from the conditions associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the deterioration of the intestinal tract that effects both in serious diarrhea, bowel irregularity, or the two. It is believed that as many as fifty million individuals in the United states on it's own put up with IBS. The most typical incidences are in individuals age among twenty and thirty, along with 2 times as many females as males getting afflicted.

Additional titles for this affliction include things like nervous bowel, spastic colon, nervous diarrhea, spastic colitis and mucous colitis. No matter what it may well be referred to as, IBS is 1 of the most typical wellness issues experienced by family doctors, and also it is the condition the majority of regularly observed by gastroenterologists (doctors concentrating in tummy and digestive tract conditions.)

In addition to the principal signs and symptoms of diarrhea and/or bowel problems, additional factors of the affliction might consist of stomach pain, trapped wind, gas, acid reflux, upper body pains (not necessarily associated to the heart), trouble ingesting, unwanted gas, cramping, mucus in stools, urinary incontinence and the feeling following a bowel motion that evacuation has not really been finished.

There is actually a broad selection of treatments for several of the above stated signs or symptoms, varying from basic folk treatments like apple cider vinegar and baking soda, to costly doctor prescribed medication.

Yet, right up until not too long ago, there has not really been a remedy created to aid in the lowering of the broad array of the signs and symptoms that cover Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Today, on the other hand, there is a 100% pure treatment out there, Bowtrol. In fact, 2 distinct formulations. There is one Bowtrol with regard to sufferers from bowel problems or several signs and symptoms and a 2nd one for loose stool affected individuals. Each remedy program consists of two elements.

The IBS bowel problems remedy begins with a colon and parasite cleansing which lubricates, moistens as well as cleans the bowels to decrease soreness and natural gas, cleanse the intestinal tract, eliminate old foodstuff deposits and detox bacteria and other harmful elements from the abdominal region. This furthermore helps in the lowering of water retention and bloatedness and aids in bodyweight reduction.

The IBS remedy for diarrhea makes use of activated charcoal, potassium and iron to calm and relax the intestinal tract, harden stools, encourage colon cleaning, lower swelling and aid decrease the consistency of bowel actions.

The 2nd component in each the bowel obstruction and the diarrhea solutions is Lactospore, an enhancer of colon probiotics. This anti-bacterial enhances digestive function by improving the quantity of enzymes in the digestive system. This is actually a 100% veggie substance that consists of 9 billion Lactobacillus microorganisms for each gram, to assist re-establish a healthful colon flora.

If you are having problems with IBS, you may find that Bowtrol can bring some welcome relief!

Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome (Symptoms After Gallbladder Surgery)

An estimated 20 million Americans have gallstones (cholelithiasis), and about 30 percent of these patients will ultimately develop symptoms of their gallstone disease. The most common symptoms specifically related to gallstone disease include upper abdominal pain (often, but not always, following a heavy or greasy meal), nausea, and vomiting. (The upper abdominal pain often radiates around towards the right side of the back or shoulder.)

Patients with complications of untreated cholelithiasis may experience other symptoms as well, in addition to an increased risk of severe illness, or even death. These complications of gallstone disease include:

- Severe inflammation or infection of the gallbladder (cholecystitis)

- Blockage of the main bile duct with gallstones (choledocholithiasis), which can cause jaundice or/and bile duct infection (cholangitis), as well as pancreatitis

More than 500,000 patients undergo removal of their gallstones and gallbladders every year in the United States, making cholecystectomy one of the most commonly performed major abdominal surgical operations. In 85 to 90 percent of cholecystectomies, the operation can be performed laparoscopically, using multiple small "band-aid" incisions instead of the traditional large (and more painful) upper abdominal incision.

For the vast majority of patients with cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy effectively relieves the symptoms of gallstones. In 10 to 15 percent of patients undergoing cholecystectomy, however, persistent or new abdominal or GI symptoms may arise after gallbladder surgery. Although there are many individual causes of chronic post-cholecystectomy abdominal or GI symptoms, the presence of such symptoms following gallbladder surgery are collectively referred to as "post-cholecystectomy" syndrome (PCS) by many experts.

I routinely receive inquiries from patients who have previously undergone cholecystectomy, and who report troubling abdominal or GI symptoms following their surgery. In many cases, these patients have already undergone rather extensive evaluations, but without any specific findings. Understandably, such patients are troubled and frustrated, both by their chronic symptoms and the ongoing uncertainty as to the cause (or causes) of these symptoms.

The most common symptoms attributed to PCS include chronic abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, excessive intestinal gas, and diarrhea. Fever and jaundice, which most commonly arise from complications of gallbladder surgery, are much less common, fortunately. While the precise cause, or causes, of PCS symptoms can eventually be identified in about 90 percent of patients following a thorough evaluation, even the most comprehensive work-up can fail to identify a specific ailment as the cause of symptoms in some patients. It is important to stress that there is no universal consensus on the topic of PCS among the experts, although most agree that there are multiple and diverse causes of chronic post-cholecystectomy symptoms. Thus, it can be very difficult to counsel the small minority of patients with chronic symptoms after surgery when a comprehensive work-up fails to identify specific causes for their suffering.

Because PCS is, in effect, a non-specific clinical diagnosis assigned to patients with chronic symptoms following cholecystectomy, it is critically important that an appropriate work-up be performed in all cases of chronic PCS, so that an accurate diagnosis can be identified, and appropriate treatment can be initiated. As the known causes of PCS are numerous, however, physicians caring for such patients need to tailor their evaluations of patients with PCS based upon clinical findings, as well as prudent laboratory, ultrasound, and radiographic screening exams. This logical clinical approach to the assessment of PCS symptoms will identify or eliminate the most common diagnoses associated with PCS in the majority of such patients, sparing them the need for further unnecessary and invasive testing.

In reviewing the etiologies of PCS that have been described so far, both patients and physicians can gain a better understanding of how complex this clinical problem is:

- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

- Bile gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)

- Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

- Hypersensitivity of the nervous system of the GI tract

- Abnormal flow of bile into the GI tract after removal of the gallbladder

- Excessive consumption of fatty and greasy foods

- Painful surgical scars or incisional (scar) hernias

- Adhesions (internal scars) following surgery

- Retained gallstones within the bile ducts or pancreatic duct

- Stricture (narrowing) of the bile ducts

- Bile leaks following surgery

- Injury to bile ducts during surgery

- Infection of the bile ducts (cholangitis), incisions, or abdomen

- Residual gallbladder or cystic duct remnant following surgery

- Fatty changes of the liver or other liver diseases

- Chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic insufficiency

- Abnormal function or anatomy of the main bile duct sphincter muscle (the "Sphincter of Oddi")

- Peptic ulcer disease

- Diverticulitis

- Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis

- Stress

- Psychiatric illnesses

- Tumors of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, colon, or rectum

In reviewing the extensive list of potential causes of PCS, it is evident that some causes of PCS are directly attributable to cholecystectomy, while many other etiologies are due to unrelated conditions that arise either prior to surgery or after surgery.

While it is impossible to predict which patients will go on to develop PCS following cholecystectomy, there are some factors that are known to increase the risk of PCS following surgery. These factors include cholecystectomy performed for causes other than confirmed gallstone disease, cholecystectomy performed on an urgent or emergent basis, patients with a long history of gallstone symptoms prior to undergoing surgery, patients with a prior history of irritable bowel syndrome or other chronic intestinal disorders, and patients with a history of certain psychiatric illnesses.

In my own practice, the initial assessment of patients with PCS must, of course, begin with a thorough and accurate history and physical examination of the patient. If this initial assessment is concerning for one of the many known physical causes of PCS, then I will usually ask the patient undergo several preliminary screening tests, which typically include blood tests to assess liver and pancreas function, a complete blood count, and an abdominal ultrasound. Based upon the results of these initial screening tests, some patients may then be advised to undergo additional and more sophisticated tests, including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), upper or/and lower GI endoscopy (including, in some cases, ERCP, or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), bile duct manometry, or CT or MRI scans, for example. (The decision to order any of these more invasive and more costly tests must, of course, be dictated by each individual patient's clinical scenario.)

Fortunately, as I indicated at the beginning of this column, a thoughtful and logical approach to each individual patient's presentation will lead to a specific diagnosis in more than 90 percent of all cases of PCS. Therefore, if you (or someone you know) are experiencing symptoms consistent with PCS, then referral to a physician with expertise in evaluating and treating the various causes of PCS is essential (such physicians can include family physicians, internists, GI specialists, and surgeons). Once a specific cause for your PCS symptoms is identified, then an appropriate treatment plan can be initiated.

Disclaimer: As always, my advice to readers is to seek the advice of your physician before making any significant changes in medications, diet, or level of physical activity.

Ulcerative Colitis - How To Fight It?

An inflammatory disease of the bowel, ulcerative colitis is characterized by the formation of open sores and ulcers in the mucus lining of the colon. Treatment for this disease usually includes, drug therapy and surgery but natural remedies are also available

Often confused with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis along with Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease which is characterized by mild to severe inflammation of the bowel. A disease of the large intestine, ulcerative colitis causes severe inflammation in the colon and rectal region which is accompanied by open sores and ulcers. The major symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, bloody stool and abdominal cramps. It may also be accompanied by bloating, flatulence, weight loss and extra intestinal manifestations like joint pains and arthritis.

The inflammation kills the cells lining the colon leading to bleeding and pus production and the gradual formation of sores and ulcers in the mucosal lining of the colon. This inflammation of the lining also causes the colon to pass stool frequently leading to diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis is often difficult to diagnose as its symptoms are a lot similar to other intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and another inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn's disease. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, nutritional imbalance, food intolerances are some of their common symptoms with ulcerative colitis. Due to these similarities in symptoms, it often becomes very difficult to diagnose the correct disease.

However, from drug therapy to surgery several treatment procedures are available for curing the disease. Ulcerative colitis is a very serious disease and if left untreated can even lead to cancer. The treatment course is usually decided upon depending on the severity of the disease. Its goal being induction and maintenance of remission, drug therapy involves the use of Aminosalicylates, Corticosteroids and Immunosuppressant drugs. While Aminosalicylates and corticosteroids reduce inflammation, the immunosuppressant drugs reduce inflammation by suppressing the immune system and are used in patients who do not respond to the other two drugs.

But in some situations surgery becomes necessary. In case of massive spread of the disease with excessive bleeding, ruptured colon or suspected carcinoma, surgical removal of the colon known as colectomy is the common procedure.

For patients looking for alternative cure to ulcerative colitis, several natural remedies and herbal treatments are available. With negligible side effects, 'probiotics' a friendly gut resident bacteria help in killing harmful bacteria, reducing inflammation and improving the mucus lining of the gut. Though fatty food should be strictly avoided in bowel related problems, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid such as fatty fish help in healing the inflammation. Capsules of Boswell and Aloe Vera gel also have an important role in reducing inflammation. Alternatively, as bowel problems often result from stress and lifestyle changes, mind-body treatments like meditation, relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy also produce very good results. A far more serious disease compared to irritable bowel syndrome or crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis needs immediate and proper medical attention.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Treating Digestive Disorders With Chiropractic Care

Americans spend billions of dollars on over-the-counter and prescription medication hoping to relieve digestive problems. Their symptoms can come in the form of constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and other common complaints of a digestive nature. Untreated, digestive disorders may affect one's quality of life, immune system, social well-being, and job productivity. On the other hand, the side-effects of steroid medications and other drugs used to treat digestive problems are very hard on the body.

While the symptoms of digestive disorders are bothersome, there are ways to address the underlying factors that contribute to the problem without the use of drugs. Research offers evidence that chiropractic care, for example, can be very effective in treating digestive conditions.

What Chiropractic Care Can Do for Your Digestive Disorder
The nervous system is responsible for controlling digestive function. It does so from several different parts of the body. The vagus nerve, for example, travels from the brain stem to the atlas bone, energizing the digestive organs and inciting the digestive process. The sympathetic nerves of the thoracic and lumbar region, and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers, are responsible for the pace of digestion.

Spinal misalignment in these spinal regions may affect the proper functioning of the bowel and the neurological process as a whole. Chiropractic doctors seek to isolate the exact location of spinal misalignments (also known as subluxations). The adjustment is performed in order to realign the impaired regions, and recover proper nerve supply to the affected organs.

Chiropractic care recognizes the body's natural ability to heal itself. As such, its approach to restoring ailments is based on addressing organ function, so that it can perform optimally without the aid of drugs.

Various studies have illustrated the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating patients with digestive conditions. One study showed how infants with infrequent bowel syndrome receiving chiropractic care experienced almost immediate improvement after sessions.

Another comprehensive study established a link between spinal misalignments and the occurrence of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease results in inflammation along the small intestine, affecting any part of the digestive tract. In addition to pain, this inflammation results in frequent emptying of the intestines and diarrhea.

The prevailing theory around the cause of Crohn's disease is that the immune system is acting in response to a virus or bacterium. Traditional treatment for Crohn's disease involves the use of corticosteroids to address the inflammation. However, the side-effects of corticosteroids can be serious, possibly prompting greater vulnerability to infection. Drugs that suppress the immune system are also used. Researchers of the study sought to look for treatment options that boosted the immune system (as opposed to suppressing it) in a way that did not rely on the use of drugs.

Another study revealed the link between spinal misalignments and a wide range of conditions including ulcerative colitis, asthma, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel disorder. It showed that correcting those displacements caused improvement (and sometimes complete remission) of symptoms of Crohn's disease. Research findings also point to another attendant benefit of chiropractic care. Not only is there improvement of digestive disorders following chiropractic care but also an overall improvement of patients' quality of life.

Contact a Chiropractor for a Thorough Assessment of Your Digestive Condition
Chiropractors adjust misalignments of the spine that interfere with nerve function. These problems can be painlessly corrected. Once the misalignment is treated, the troublesome symptoms will likely go away as well.

Chiropractic care can benefit those suffering from digestive disorders by restoring the digestive processes' natural rhythm. In addition to spinal manipulation, your chiropractor may also employ the use of nutritional counseling as part of his or her practice. Vitamin and mineral supplements, healing herbs, as well as other complementary approaches may also be suggested. In an effort to address the patient as a whole, chiropractic doctors seek for ways to encourage wellness in a holistic manner.

Causes and Symptoms of Colitis - A Guide

Ulcerative colitis is a relentless disorder that is epitomized by persistent incidents of abdominal discomfort, high temperatures, shivering and prolific dysentery. It is a continual, inflammatory bowel disorder in which the interior coating of the large intestine (the colon or the bowel) and rectum turn out to be painful.
Ulcerative colitis may possibly be attributable to an assortment of infections over and above a shortage of blood supply and certain autoimmune responses.

The colon, often also known as the large intestine accumulates and amasses the residues after digestion has occurred. The large intestine also functions as the route or conduit through which this residual matter moves towards the rectum to be thrown out of the body. As a result of ulcerative colitis the inner layer of this passage gets irritated. There is no specific cause of ulcerative colitis. The most common risk factors attributable to this disorder may be atypical attack of the immune response on the intestines. Smoking also has been found to cause this ailment. Environmental aspects like nourishment and a variety of infections may also cause colitis.

Crohn's disease is another type of colitis. It is an inflammatory ailment of the bowel and the intestines which mostly distresses many regions of the GI tract - starting with the mouth to the rectum. This is manifested in a wide variety of symptoms. It generally causes abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, queasiness and loss of weight. It may also bring about indications such as skin inflammation, arthritis, and irritation of the eyes, fatigue and loss of focus.

Crohn's disease is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's own immune response besets the GI tract, causing inflammation. There isn't any identified basis for the disease as such. Infectivity, family history, heredity, nutrition, various immunological aspects, measles, certain vaccines, and even psychosomatic factors may have a role to play in crohn's disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a fairly common colitis that affects numerous people. On the whole, people with IBS have a markedly vulnerable GI tract. Irritable bowel syndrome can have varied medical manifestations. The warning signs may vary from dysentery, to lack of bowel movement, to abdominal spasms to the urge to visit the washroom as soon as food is eaten. All these indications are an expression of the very same disease. Experts have found the major sources of irritable bowel syndrome to be improper digestion of the food that is eaten and to a certain extent, the stress that most people experience these days.

In conclusion, a lot of people suffer from the various forms of colitis. Knowing some of the symptoms and causes associated with these may be useful to people.

Colitis - Curing the Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Colitis affects the bowel. Colitis is also known as IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). The medical terminology for colitis is 'ulcerative colitis'. The symptoms of colitis are in many ways akin to those of Crohn's disease except for the fact that in the latter case the entire tract from the mouth to the anus can be affected.

Colitis patients have symptoms like diarrhea accompanied by profuse bleeding and severe pain in the abdominal area. The other commonly reported symptoms are acute deficiency in nutrients, rectum bleeding, loss in weight, fatigue and loss of appetite.

A person affected by colitis needs to frequent the bathroom to empty himself as the dysfunction - primarily the intestinal inflammation -- causes diarrhea. Since the inflammation destroys the colon-lining cells, pus is produced at those affected portions and the consequence is bleeding.
Moreover, while colitis strikes the large intestine lining and thereby the bowel, Crohn's disease causes deep cut inflammation inside the small intestine. Most importantly, colitis can also affect either the lower part of the colon or the rectum or, worse still, even spread to the entire colon.

Physicians diagnose colitis via a series of tests besides an overall physiological examination. A popular methodology to examine the colon is X-ray using barium enema. First, the colon is filled with barium solution; next, the X-ray step helps to locate the inflammation portion or the ulcers if any.

To ensure whether the patient is suffering from anemia, the patients are recommended blood tests which also come in handy in finding out the rise in the number of white blood cells - a sure sign of inflammation! Moreover stool is also examined to find out infection or presence of blood. The patient may further have to go for biopsy or/and colonoscopy - a process when a tissue is extracted from the colon lining.

There is till no unanimity as to the exact causes of either colitis or Crohn's disease. The common feeling is that these ailments are basically reactions of our immune system to the main attacking viruses or bacteria. This theory is buttressed by the fact that the patients having these dysfunctions generally have abnormal or weak immunity. Researchers are still working to find out if this is exactly the cause of those ailments.
One thing is for sure though. Colitis spares no one and anybody in the age group from 15 to 30 years can fall prey to colitis. There are also reports of teenagers and kids suffering from colitis. However, the most likely victims are people above the age of 50.

However, take strength from the finding that neither colitis nor Cohn's disease is caused by a person's allergy to certain food items or stressful lifestyle. Nonetheless, these factors can very well lead to colitis or Crohn's disease.

Colitis and Crohn's Diseases - They Are Healable

Colitis and Crohn's inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are debilitating afflictions which ruin the lives of millions of people worldwide. The medical consensus is that there is no "cure" for these conditions and, at best, they can only be "managed" via a lifetime of detrimental drugging. The majority of sufferers place themselves under medical care, only to be told that: diet is not a causative factor; no specific diet will result in lasting healing; lifelong drug therapy is the only sensible course to follow; and if, in chronic cases, this is unsuccessful, surgical removal of the colon is generally the prudent course to eliminate the symptoms and avoid impending cancer.

None of these common medical assumptions are true and, tragically, millions of lives are wrecked year after year by this stance which is based upon ignorance of human physiology. While the attending gastroenterologist means well, he unfortunately does not know anything outside of the realm of drug and surgery treatment and possesses no knowledge of the cause and purpose of disease or of the conditions required by the body for healing. Few gastroenterologists are sanctioned to provide or even recommend non-pharmacological healing approaches to IBD. Medicine never results in health.

Happily, when we care for ourselves properly, removing the causes of disease and supplying the requisites for health, the body invariably works its wonders of healing, and is restored to health. A close study of physiology in the context of health science, such as taught by Natural Hygiene educators, reveals this self-healing power. Under proper care, the body will heal inflammatory bowel diseases, even advanced cases, as I did 24 years ago after severe ulcerative colitis. Since 1993, over 1,000 of my clients have experienced similar success.

And, there are several thousand who can also vouch for this natural healing approach to IBD. There is even more good news: several natural health doctors, such as myself and other health coaches, are available to guide IBD sufferers to complete lasting health. My guidebook, Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's, has a world bestseller in its field. I take great pleasure in counseling several new clients every week, and most heal up within 2 to 8 weeks, going on to enjoy a life free of IBD.

So, what causes IBD? In a nutshell, stress on four fronts:

1. lifestyle stress, the foremost factor of which is dietary: eating foods incompatible with our biology, causing toxicity and indigestion
2. mental/emotional stress (which includes the impact of incorrect, disempowering beliefs about health and disease)
3. societal stress (such as working too-long hours)
4. environmental stress (pollution). Genetics and germs do not cause IBD; rather, IBD is caused by lifestyle choices and lack of proper education about the factors in disease and health. In other words, we need to learn how to restore health by healthful living and eating. And we can!

For almost 200 years, Natural Hygiene teachers have taught that unhealthful habits (which include ingesting and injecting poisons into the body) cause illness, and that the body is a self-healing organism which expresses distressing symptoms when its vital domain is threatened. In cases of IBD, the biggest culprit is acid-forming diets, including indigestible, cooked, fatty foods--primarily animal meats, dairy products and fried oils. Cooked meat provides little if any usable protein or fiber and it putrefies in the gut. Meanwhile, cooked oils are carcinogenic, plain and simple. Both irritate and ravage the bowel, causing inflammation, diarrhea and other distressful symptoms. Irritants (toxic matter and gases) cause bowel inflammation when toxins have built up to a life-threatening level. The body does its best to expel the irritating substances, but in cases of IBD, it is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task.

Diarrhea and the inflammation response are self-purifying, self-healing actions intelligently enacted by the body for the restoration of health. Inflammation is the body's protective immune system--our "guardian angel"--hard at work, preserving its vital domain. Remove the causes of the disease response, get plenty of rest, allow the inflammation process to complete its job, and the body will become purified, the inflammation will cease and health will be restored. That's the physiology of detoxification and self-healing!

Inflammation is not something to be suppressed under any condition. When we do, we suppress healing. Only the body can heal itself and it will under the proper conditions. Understanding your self-healing power is liberating!

What is the proven healthy, healing alternative to an unhealthful meat-based diet? In general, during the healing phase, for those whose diet was primarily cooked, it's best to partake of a simple, low-residue, low-fat, vegan diet of certain sweet fruits and lightly cooked vegetables, potatoes and squashes with fresh juices. This is to be followed by a post-healing diet with more fruits plus raw salads, lightly cooked plant foods and moderate amounts of fatty vegan "protein foods" such as raw avocados, nuts and seeds for health maintenance. A vegan diet of 75% to 100% raw foods is recommended. My book teaches the specifics of how to incorporate this approach. Specific eating guidelines must be followed; they are liberating in their simplicity and superior nutritional benefits. Improper food choices and combinations are detrimental; one must get the right education and guidance for a successful healing outcome. Yes, a vegan diet can supply all the protein, fat and carbohydrate satiation we need to heal and stay happy and dynamically healthy. Virtually every disease condition, from A to Z, has been overcome through applying the principles of Natural Hygiene: "the science and fine art of healthful living."

For a disease-free life filled with youthful vitality, it behooves each of us to implement more and more healthful living practices. This invariably results in our feeling better and better and getting more and more enjoyment out of life.

Here's to your glorious health!

What is Colitis?

Many people are affected every day by a horrible disease that unless treated could make them unable to even leave their home. It is important to not only manage colitis but to also know that not one treatment fits all. Colitis can be attributed to many factors such as heredity, stress and some have even said spiritual issues. The fact remains that every year many Colitis sufferers never get their condition managed because they simply believe they are doomed to a suffering.

There are many situations that colitis can surface in. Colitis can begin as what seems like the flu but never quite recovers. One might have severe explosive diarrhea during a period of stress and believe it is just something that will pass. Often however when mucous and blood exist in the intestinal tract an infection can create complications.

Some cases of Colitis can become so severe that removal of the colon would be recommended. Once inflammation, infection and bleeding begin it is difficult to eliminate.

Colitis Complications

Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that typically affects those between the ages of 15 and 40, can cause abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and fever. If left untreated the condition can eventually become life threatening.

More than one third of patients in a new study who had colitis that did not respond to steroids were infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV), the investigators found. A form of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis causes the large intestine to become inflamed and ulcerated, leading to bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. Colitis can also occur in patients with Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall.

More than half of the population is infected with CMV, a type of herpesvirus. The virus rarely causes problems in adults with healthy immune systems, although it can cause symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, such as those infected with HIV -- the virus that causes AIDS.

Colitis Treatments

Whether bacterial or viral, colitis can be treated and when treated effectively people are able to return to a life of normal living.

Nutritional and natural means are getting more and more effective in the treatment of Colitis. From removing grains and sugar from the diet to taking garlic and high doses of probiotics, many have seen complete recovery.

In dealing with Colitis all sources whether a Natropath or a Medical Doctor will agree that the whole patient needs to be treated. Oftentimes depression and withdrawl can occur from the fear that an episode will reoccur that is out of control. Colitis is a whole-body disease that deserves more than just a diet change or steroids.

Colitis Maintenance

While this author is not a medical doctor, I have experienced personally life threatening Colitis. A combined approach of nutritional supplementation and diet, along with stress reduction routines has allowed me to live a nearly symptom free lifestyle. Resources like have been invaluable to me. I recommend you not only treat your Colitis but also achieve a maintenance program that you can live with.

Diarrhea - An Irritable Symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is marked by a wide array of symptoms. In most cases, IBS patients only go through mild symptoms but others have it so severely that it debilitates them. Thankfully, despite the varying intensity by which IBS patients experience their symptoms, IBS is never fatal, unlike other intestinal diseases like colitis or cancer. That is because IBS is more of a functional disorder of the intestinal muscles and does not display any physical abnormalities.

The two most common symptoms of IBS are constipation and diarrhea. Some patients suffer from constipation-dominant IBS while others are more diarrhea-dominant. Sometimes, a patient can have constipation on some days and diarrhea on some.

Constipation happens when the stool gets too bulky and packed up. When this occurs, it is hard to push it out. Diarrhea, on the other hand, makes patients pass stool more frequently. Patients with diarrhea may also suffer from incontinence; a patient with incontinence gets sudden urges to move bowels and is unable to control or delay it. There are times when a person with diarrhea will have another urge right after doing the deed, but this time the stool is harder to release.

Characteristics of Diarrhea

Let us go into more detail on the conditions that characterize diarrhea.

1. Lack of stool consistency. The stools of a person suffering from diarrhea are loose and sometimes liquid in form. People who eat lots of fiber-rich food, vegetables and fruits often have loose and soft feces.

2. Frequent bowel movement. The rate by which healthy people move their bowels varies from person to person. Some people find it normal that they empty their bowels more than once a day, while some people are not bothered by the fact that they do it only a number of times per week. Most people normally do it once a day. People who have diarrhea move their bowels more frequently than what they consider their normal rate.

3. Water with stool. A person with diarrhea sometimes passes water with stool. It is part of the normal digestive process for food to be kept in liquid form. If water passes along with undigested food to the small intestine, the small intestine usually absorbs the water as the undigested food passes along. However, with diarrhea, one of two things tends to happen. There could be too much water for the small intestine to absorb. Or it could be that the stool passed too quickly that there is not enough time for the intestine to absorb the water.

Diarrhea as a symptom largely affects IBS. It can make the condition worse if left untreated. Thus, it is important for an IBS patient, especially the diarrhea-dominant ones, to understand the nature of diarrhea and what should be done in order to reduce its occurrence.

How to Naturally Treat Diarrhea in Dogs

It's important to know that diarrhea is not an illness but a symptom of any number of problems that are interrupting the function of the large intestine.It is also important to identify the cause as trying to just suppress this symptom will only bring about short lived, temporary relief which may cause long term health implications. Once identified, different causes will require different treatments.

Diarrhea can be mild and self limiting, or very debilitating and even fatal. It may or may not be accompanied by gas and abdominal discomfort. If your dog is still happy, with good energy level, and doesn't refuse water an acute episode of diarrhea may be the body's attempt at internal cleansing and purging. If however the diarrhea persists for more than a few days, contains blood, if there is associated vomiting, your dog is becoming increasingly lethargic, and refuses to drink, please seek the advice from your veterinarian as soon as possible. With each passing day of chronic diarrhea nutrients are lost in the stool, which lowers your dog's general vitality. Your dog may need to go on an IV for loss of fluids immediately if this is the case.

Causes and Contributing factors to diarrhea

A dog with chronic diarrhea and gas, and accompanying skin problems may be suffering from a food allergy. Frequent offenders are preservatives (ethoxyquin, propylene glycol), artificial flavouring and coloring, dyes, salt, sugar, fungi, bacteria, germs all found in commercial dog foods (read more about What's Really in Your Dogs Food article). Most common foods that may cause allergy include: beef, beef by-products, corn and corn oil, fish, turkey, pork, ham, cows milk (lactose intolerance), yeast, eggs, wheat or any food containing these. Please note that all commercial tinned food and biscuits, treats all contain sugar, salt, corn and wheat. Unless diet is strictly addressed, ongoing diarrhea may continue presenting.

Consider also the following contributing factors diarrhea may be due to:

• stress and anxiety
• over eating
• high fat diet
• vaccinations (due to meat extract that certain vaccines are grown in, thus long term leading to sensitivities and autoimmune disorders)
• undiagnosed IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• leaky gut syndrome (intestinal dysbiosis/ hyper permeability)
• a foreign body ingestion
• gastritis, colitis (intestinal inflammation)
• the pancreas and/or liver failing to produce enzymes properly or sufficiently
• food poisoning
• excess vitamin C
• bacteria, virus (i.e. parvovirus, distemper)
• parasites i.e. worms
• drug related complication (most drugs are residual and are never completely eliminated as in the waste from food but are stored up in the body)
• side effect of certain drugs (i.e. antibiotics)
• liver disease
• pancreatitis,
• stomach ulcer
• cancer
• could also indicate that the liver and kidneys are overwhelmed with toxins that they are unable to process which leads to purging i.e. diarrhea.

Helpful suggestions to relieve diarrhea

The most beneficial initial step is to put your dog on a liquid fast. Withhold all solid food and only allow a liquid diet consisting of juices (i.e. apple juice is very healing in diarrhea), broths, and filtered water. If you suspect your dog's diarrhea is due to an infection, you can add colloidal silver to his drinking water. The reason for not feeding further is that a dog's digestive system has a gastrocolic reflex. This means that the colon will empty as the stomach fills. Thus, to stop the colon from emptying and break this cycle of diarrhea, its best to stop ingesting food (or only as little as possible). In most cases, dogs instinctively will refuse food when they are unwell. By fasting, the irritated digestive system is given a chance to rest and heal.

Slippery elm is highly nutritious, very soothing and healing to irritated mucous membranes. Slippery Elm bark powder can heal and reduce the frequency of diarrhea in dogs quickly and naturally. It relieves internal inflammations, protects against infection, stimulates new cell growth, and causes swollen irritated tissue to contract-it has an affinity for the digestive tract where it acts as an astringent, therefore particularly indicated for treating diarrhea. It normalizes intestinal function, is rich in protein, trace minerals, and is easy for your dog to digest,

Directions: Combine 翹 cup slippery elm powder with 2 tablespoons acidophilus powder (good bacteria for the gut that needs to be reestablished) and 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt (source of more minerals that have been lost due to the diarrhea). Add enough water to make a runny syrup which you can feed to your dog either by spoon, syringe or dropper. Give approximately 1 tablespoon per 5kg of your dog's body weight, every 2-3 hours in an acute situation. You can sweeten the mixture with some raw organic (unprocessed) honey for taste. In occasional diarrhea you can add the mixture with plenty of water to your dog's daily meals. Once his bowels have returned to normal, reduce the frequency and stop

Fiber supplements such as (apple) pectin, psyllium husks can help bind and relieve diarrhea. With psyllium husks 1-2 teaspoons with very little water (or apple juice) is effective. Grated green apple (no skin) left to brown for a few minutes, (sweetened with honey if necessary) is also good at controlling diarrhea.

Chamomile tea is soothing, healing and relaxing to both the digestive and nervous system. Chamomile would particularly be indicated if your dog's diarrhea is due to stress and anxiety, and if there is accompanying abdominal discomfort and gas. Make a strong brew using two (organic) teabags, or a teaspoon loose leaf. Pour half cup of boiling water, cover and seep for 10 minutes. Once it has cooled and is just warm, you many add a little manuka honey to sweeten and taste. You may syringe (or use dropper) and slowly give to your dog this way. Yarrow is another herb which is excellent for controlling diarrhea.

For management of chronic or recurrent diarrhea, in addition to concurrently using supportive supplements that address the cause, the following recipe may be helpful:

Gently boil together 50% white potato, 50% sweet potato, and a slice of turnip. For flavour, mix in with boiled chicken or lamb. This recipe can be given for longer periods to help ease diarrhea.

Once your dog is showing signs of recovery, reintroduce solid food gradually and in smaller amounts. The Recovery Broth for Dogs recipe would be beneficial and gently healing at this stage.

Always ensure your dog has access to sufficient water and monitor his recovery closely. In most cases, dogs recover quite well after a period of fasting and bounce back with even more vitality. If however, your dogs diarrhea continues and you are unable to identify a cause please check with your holistic veterinarian to rule out any more serious health implications.