Saturday, June 8, 2013

Candida in the Perspective of the Medical Community

How to get rid of candida if you have not been diagnosed to have it? In US, treating candidiasis can cause a lot of depression. The main reason that candidiasis is not understood by the regular medical system. It is treated as many other issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, vaginal yeast infection, athletes' foot, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, jock itch, oral thrush, etc. People who have each of these things, as diagnosed by a doctor will scream if you tell them they have candidiasis, because they want to have their own private disease.

The doctors just tell them that there is no cure, give them a medication for maintenance, and write them off. They are the lucky ones. Then there are those who go from doctor to doctor being told that there is nothing wrong with them.

It is not so strange that you learn more about candidiasis from internet. Like me for example, I know a lot how to cure candidiasis because I had the fortune to teach a person who had cured herself of candidiasis through learning to be a naturopathic doctor. I asked her about her symptoms and she told me and at the same time I am able to recognize my problems. So I began to study nutrition, and found out to get rid of candida.

In US, as explain above, candidiasis is not recognized by the medical community. So when you find out that you have candidiasis, Doctors don't tend to believe in it. I was once on an antifungal medication about 25 years ago, but the doctor never told me about any diet, and when I went into what I now know was die-off, he took me off the medication and said I couldn't be cured. There was nothing else he offered on how to get rid of candida.

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