Saturday, July 13, 2013

How Can Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Obstruct With Digestion?

The diet nutrition of patients with Crohn's disease are indeed utilized frequently. People with the disease often think that diet can be utilized as a treatment. Regrettably, this way of overcoming the disease can be thought as too crude and will absolutely not get the nod of medical experts. Diet can have some effects in the symptoms and treatment of the disease, and may also affect the inflammatory process that is taking place in the body. Although it has a role to play its effect is not a major issue in the inflammatory process.

Since Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are ailments on the digestive tract, it's normal that numerous questions arise concerning proper diet and nutrition of people with the ailment. If however you unfortunately acquire the disease which is also called as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, your concentration might shift to diet that may play a role in lowering symptoms and fosters treatment.

When swelling takes place in the small intestine, and this makes digestion of foods not very effective and nutrients absorbed from the food taken will be reduced. The nutrients along with the undigested bile salts, can find their way to the large intestine which may vary in magnitude, depending on the degree of inflammation on the small intestine. This is perhaps one of the causes why people with the ailment may eventually become malnourished. Adding to the woes perhaps is the lack of appetite the patient will endure and experience. Additionally, undigested foods that go through the large intestine may hinder water storage in the body, even though the colon is not affected. Hence, the large intestine will get inflamed too, and this will lead to diarrhea which makes the disease even more formidable.

On the other hand, the ulcerative colitis, only the colon is damaged and inflamed, whilst the small intestine continues to do it functions normally. Since the inflamed colon does not process water appropriately in the body, diarrhea can be stern.

Panchakarma - The Major Treatment of Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, human body is composed of the three Doshas, the seven dhatus and three malas. Equilibrium of the dosha, dhatu and mala maintains the healthy state of body and mind. But imbalance in any of them gives rise to disease. The purpose of Ayurveda is to maintain this equilibrium. This can be achieved by two methods. One is to pacify the dosha or by eliminate the dosha by nearby route i.e. Panchakarma. Panchakarma acts as curative as well as preventive therapy. It is purifying as well as rejuvenating procedure. Panchakarma is the soul of Ayurveda. As promised by Ayurveda, Ayurveda believes in treating the disease at its root, not just symptomatic treatment and boosting the body's capacity to resist and fight disease. Panchakarma Chikitsa(treatment) for diseases like Infertility, Psoriasis, Insomnia, early ageing, irritability, lowered concentrating capacity, Hypertension, Hyperacidity following stress and strain of today's day to day life problems. With Panchakarma principle, we also treat chronic diseases like Diabetes, Arthritis, Asthma, Spondilosis, Chronic Constipation, Colitis and Skin Diseases like Psoriasis. Principles of Panchakarma Chikitsa(treatment) are also followed for women in pre and post menopausal syndrome like hot and cold flashing irritability neuritis excessive sweating, weight gain, menstrual irregularities and leucorrhoea, menorrhagia the excessive menstrual bleeding etc.

The Panchakarma treatment of Ayurveda requires years of hands on clinical training and experience to be effective. Ayurvedic type massage offered in spas and center not dedicated Ayurvedic Medical health care, may appear similar, but are decisively different. Without the proper training in Ayurvedic Medicine, these Panchakarma therapies cannot be administered properly and may even aggravate or worsen the person's condition.

Before doing Panchakarma there are certain steps to be followed which are called as Poorvakarmas. They are Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation). Snehana can be done by two ways, application of oil internally and externally. There are four types to promote sweat in Swedana. The purpose of Poorvakarma is to liquefy and guide the provoked Doshas (impurities) to the mainstream to facilitate the Sodhana karma. Diseases occur when toxins get accumulated in body and clog these channels. Unhealthy diet, lifestyle, stress, changes in environment etc lead to accumulation of toxins in body. These accumulated toxins have to be expelled out in order to keep our body healthy. Through Panchakarma therapy these toxic clogs are removed to normalize the physiological process. Hence Panchakarma therapy is called as detoxification therapy. Panchakarma therapy can be administered to a normal person to prevent diseases and keep his body healthy. Panchakarma therapy is also used as a purifactory therapy to cleanse the body before starting a treatment. A diseased body can be compared to a soiled cloth which can not be colored as we desire. Hence to attain the maximum benefits, the body has to be purified or cleaned before starting the treatment. The cleared channels help medicines to penetrate the deeper tissues. SNEHAN It is the oilation therapy. It is of two kinds, internal and external. Internal Snehan: in this treatment medicated oils and ghee (clarified butter) etc. are given for internal use. These sneha are so subtle that they can enter into minute pores of cell membrane. They have a tendency of pushing or mobilizing the impurities from there so that their elimination becomes easy. Ghee (clarified butter) prepared from cow's butter is best for this use. External Snehan: this comprises of different kinds of massage. Medicated oils are applied on the body and different methods are used for that. These massage techniques are many times used in the treatment of muscular fatigue, loss of motor functions, arthritis, paralysis, migraine, spondylities and bodyache. They also induce sound sleep by relaxing the nervous system, increase immunity of the body and are beneficial to increase skin's lustre. SWEDANA It is the second Purvakarma. It means fomentation or heating therapy. Different types of fomentations like steam bath and poultices are used on specific parts of the body. Many kinds of warm medicated oils, water, milk and herbal decoctions are also used. They are either used in a bath tub or are poured on the body. These types of fomentation treatments are very beneficial in diseases like pains in the joints, neck, lumbago, hemiplegia, urinary disorders, renal diseases, muscular dystrophy, common cold, asthma and loss of muscle functions. Swedana or fomentation liquefies or digests the Doshas and opens the mouth of blocked channels and pores of cell membrane. This makes the elimination of wastes easy when the actual Panchakarma are performed. So after doing these Purvakarma or preparatory treatments, the main karmas (Panchakarma) are done.

WHY PANCHAKARMA: - to eliminate the toxic matter from the body. - to enhance the power of digestion and metabolism. - to get rid of diseases from the very root out of the systems. - to restore normal health. - to gain the strength, increase the virility and improve the progeny. - to have more clearer complexion. - to increase the power of sense organs and motor organs.

Crohn's and Colitis

Crohn?s disease is a disorder that causes an inflammation of the digestive tract of the gastrointestinal system. It can affect an area anywhere between the mouth to the anus, but the affected area is usually the lower part of the small intestine. A swelling takes place deep in the lining of the affected organ, resulting in diarrhea.

Crohn's disease can affect anyone - man or woman, young and old. It is believed to be hereditary. However, studies show that this disease is more common in people ages 20 to 30. People of Jewish heritage also seem to have a higher risk of developing this disease, while African Americans appear to have lower chances of getting it.

It is unknown what actually causes Crohn's disease, but it is believed that the body's immune system confuses bacteria, food, and other non-foreign substances in the body with foreign elements. This confusion makes the body respond by releasing white blood cells. The white blood cells gather in the lining of the intestine, causing the inflammation.

Colitis is also an inflammatory digestive disease, but it occurs in the colon. It is more commonly known as an ulcer. This disease can also occur at any age, but usually starts between the ages of 15 to 30 and slows down at ages 50 to 70. It is also believed to be hereditary. Study shows that there are more Caucasian and Jewish people suffering from colitis.

Similar to Crohn's disease, colitis is also caused by abnormality of the immune system in the digestive tract. However, doctors are unsure if the abnormalities are actually caused by the disease or are a result of the disease. Colitis is not actually caused by emotional distress or sensitivity reactions to certain food, although these appear to be triggering factors for some people.

Blood in Cat Stool - Causes and Treatment

The sight of blood in cat stool can be extremely upsetting, especially if it's your cat. The first thought that comes to mind is what is causing this and is my cat dying. You never saw blood in cat stool before and you want to do something fast. Before you grab your cat to take her to the vet, here are some things you should know.

In addition to the blood, your cat seems to have a hard time defecating. It is almost like she is constipated causing her to strain while trying.

Your cat seems to have an ever-lasting thirst and the water bowl is the most important thing to her. Excess drinking is part of the problem coupled with a loss of appetite for food.

Due to the large amount of water intake, frequent visits to the litter box takes place to urinate and for bowl movements.

You will notice that your cat is not her usual self. She doesn't have any energy to play and acts listless or lethargic. Her lack of appetite causes weight loss. You must pass these other symptoms on to the vet.

What is the cause of blood in cat stool and all the other symptoms that go with it? The first thought comes to mind is that your cat might have fallen from a high place causing an internal injury. Although not likely, this is a possibility.

Your cat's blood may have a slow clotting time disorder. Just a little bump or bruise can cause bleeding seen in her stool.

Your cat might have gotten into the garbage and ate something she is allergic too that irritated her intestines causing inflammation and bleeding. This condition is called colitis.

Your cat might have ingested poison the exterminator put down for mice or rats. Some of these poisons are designed to cause internal bleeding when eaten by mice.

Bleeding or blood in cat stool is definitely caused by hook worms that in-bed themselves in the walls of the intestines or tumors in the colon or rectum. Lastly, a bacteria infection can be the cause.

The best remedies for blood in cat stool are:

Start feeding a high fiber low fat diet with quality protein. Discontinue feeding processed food and canned foods containing chemical preservatives. No table scraps. If her stool test shows worms of any kind especially hook worms, have her wormed.

If infection is found that has caused blood to be present in your cat's stool, the convention way to treat an infection is with a 7 to 10 day course of antibiotic. The problem with treating your cat with antibiotics is that they have side effects and can actually worsen your cat's symptoms and increase your pet's chance of having recurring problems.

It's important to understand that antibiotic suppress the symptoms but do not cure them. This is why pet owners are turning to natural remedies. Natural remedies work at the cellular level to heal blood in cat stool and they are safe and effective without the dangerous side effects that are present with the use of antibiotics plus that, natural remedies can be used for preventative measures all year round.

When choosing natural remedies make certain you get the ones with proven long time history of effective ingredients such as uva ursi, berberis, cantharis and staphysagris.

Conjunctivitis: The Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis also known as pink eye is actually inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye known as conjunctiva and inner surface of eyelids. The most probable cause is viral infection but in some cases it may be caused due to bacterial action or some allergic manifestations. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in childhood but they also occur in adults. Pink eye can crop up in an individual of any age and at any time. Many factors can be lead responsible for the occurrence of pink eye and they may be classified as either infectious or non-infectious. This infection does not bring any alteration in the vision of an individual. On the basis of factors that are responsible for pink eye it may be classified as allergic, bacterial, viral, chemical and neonatal conjunctivitis. On the basis of involvement conjunctivitis may be classified as blepharoconjuctivitis which is the result of dual combination of conjunctivitis with blepharitis. Keratoconjuctivitis is the combination of conjunctivitis and keratitis. Episcleritis is an inflammatory state which resembles conjunctivitis but lacks discharge.

The common symptoms of the pink eye include hyperaemia also known as red eye followed by irritation and watering. The pupils remain normally reactive and the vision acuity is also normal and it is not impaired. The main agents that are responsible for causing pink eye is virus but bacteria, allergens, other irritants and dryness can also cause this clinical manifestation. Both bacterial and viral infections are contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another. Conjunctivitis can also be transmitted by the use of contaminated objects and water. Adenoviruses are chiefly responsible for causing conjunctivitis. Herpetic keratoconjuctivitis is a serious form of infection that requires treatment with acyclovir. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a very serious form of pink eye caused by eneteroviruses namely, Enterovirus 70 and Coxsackievirus A24. These two viruses were isolated in 1969 from Ghana during an outbreak and are now worldwide in distribution occurring in epidemic form in many parts of world.

Viral infection is the most imperative cause of pink or red eye and adenoviruses are the causative agents for this clinical condition of the eyes. The symptoms include watery discharge that is neither green nor yellow. The majority of incidences of pink eye are observed during the late fall and early spring. Other symptoms include sinus congestion and running nose. Eyelids may be swollen and sometimes looking at the bright light may be painful. As this form of conjunctivitis is associated with the infection of the cornea of the eye no antibiotic is prescribed by the medical expert for treatment. This infection can be detected with greater accuracy and can be effectively treated. This form of conjunctivitis is highly contagious and the symptoms may last for 1-2 weeks. The preliminary symptoms take about 3-5 days to appear. The bacterial species that can be responsible for the pink eye include Staphyloccus and Streptococcus and the symptoms include eye pain, itching, swelling, redness and a moderate to large amount of discharge of yellow or green colour. The discharge usually accumulates during sleeping and this type of pink eye infection can be treated by the use of warm washcloths and application of ointments or antibiotic uptake.

An unusual form of red eye caused by Chlamydia is uncommon in the United Kingdom but is of common occurrence in the Middle Eastern countries and Africa. Chlamydia can cause pink eye in both adults and neonates. This form of pink eye can be sexually transmitted in the adults. This type of pink eye is usually treated with erythromycin and oral doses of tetracycline but is not recommended for children less than 8 years of age as it can result in discoloration of teeth. Pink eye caused by allergic manifestations can be identified by intense itching, tearing and swelling of the eye membranes. Pain may be absent or minimal. The frequent causes for this type of pink eye include pollens, animal dander and dust. This type of infection is generally seasonal and other typical allergic symptoms include sneezing, itchy nose and scratchy throat. Use of cold, moist washcloths and eye drops can help in relieving symptoms. The doctor prescribes stronger medication when the home remedies fail to give the desired result. Chemical red eye is generally caused when any irritating substance enters the eyes and the common irritants include household cleaners, use of any kind of spray, smoke, foreign objects in the eye, smog and industrial pollutants. Washing of the eyes with profuse amounts of water is recommended when any foreign particle enters the eyes. If conditions become uncontrollable then a medical expert must be contacted.

Presence of a persistent pink eye depicts about the underlying illness in the body and these diseases include rheumatic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Conjunctivitis is of wide occurrence in the Kawasaki's disease and certain inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Bright redness in the whites of the eyes can also occur when the tiny blood vessels covering the whites of the yes rupture as a result of trauma or changes in the pressure within the head. This condition is designated by the term subconjuctival hemorrhage although the name appears frightening but it is a harmless condition. This condition is different from the inflammation of the conjunctiva caused in the pink eye. It causes the local white area of the eye to become reddened. It does not affect the colored portion of eye as well does not impairs vision of the individual. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis can be done by cultures as most cases of pink eye are treated empirically and successfully. Swabs for bacterial culture are necessary if history indicates signs of bacterial conjunctivitis but no response against topical antibiotics is observed. Viral cultures are generally carried out in cases of epidemic case clusters.

Conjunctivitis in general resolves in 65% cases within 2-5 days and so no antibiotic dosage is needed. As infectious forms of pink eye are highly contagious direct contact with the infected individuals must be avoided. Touching of the eyes with dirty hands must be avoided and regular washing of eyes with cold water is a good practice. Use of ointments and antibiotics can also be of great help.

A Little Awareness Makes Living With Colitis Easier

Being given a colitis diagnosis can feel devastating yet it should not be the signal that enjoyment of life is over and that years of ill health will follow. Yet sufferers need to recognise that they now have what can be a debilitating disease and should therefore make some alterations to their lifestyle and daily routines to ensure the stress is eased when living with colitis.

Simple routines that are introduced can have a significant bearing on whether someone diagnosed with colitis can be more or less prone to experiencing symptoms, whether these are just brief or the prelude to a full flare up. Having regard to a diet that does not put pressure on the colon or antagonise the ulceration is immensely important as is the requirement to ensure the body is receiving adequate amounts of quality sleep. There will be times when the sufferer can feel drained with perhaps some evidence of mild symptoms. This is the time to stop routines and give the body and mind sufficient rest which can mean having to miss work and other daily commitments including those relating to family and social matters. It will also require the strict adherence to the taking of all prescribed medication whether the symptoms are in remission or otherwise.

It is essential that those with colitis receive support from others in the immediate family. The consequences of the disease should be understood by everyone and pressure, both mental and physical, should not be imposed unduly as the disease has the ability to appear from nowhere even when the person does not feel that they have been under pressure or stress. Even when in remission, care should be taken and foresight used to ensure that there no risks with health are being taken that can easily be avoided.

There will have to be visits undertaken to a hospital that should not be avoided. Every person living with colitis requires an colonoscopy to check on and record the health of the large colon. The will happen when diagnosed and then at approximately five year intervals. A sufferer should research exactly what the process involves in order to reduce the stressful anticipation of such a medical procedure. Some sufferers have to be admitted to hospital when more intense care is required to bring the symptoms under control. Again, the sufferer requires to make themselves aware of the medical significance of a stay in hospital and, very importantly, how to ensure the time spent is as short and beneficial as possible.

As can be seen, with some level of awareness of the condition and some foresight of the consequences of daily activities, those living with colitis do not need to live in fear of the disease but also they can avoid imposing on themselves stresses and incorrect actions and behaviours that can, as a consequence, create the conditions that colitis will thrive from. By ensuring a little thought and awareness is used, daily life does not have to change entirely for those who have been diagnosed.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Medication

Ulcerative colitis is a concern for both male and female sufferers in the quest to become pregnant. This chronic inflammatory bowel disease is more of a problem in women, as it can reduce ovulation and the malnutrition and weight loss which accompanies the condition, can indirectly impair the chances of conception. There is also a higher risk of iron deficiency and infections with the disease when active. Previous surgery to treat this disorder may result in lowered fertility as a result of abdominal organ scarring.

An increase in symptoms of u. colitis may be experienced in both the first trimester and shortly after birth, both probably related to hormone changes. There is a higher risk of having a premature baby and even a small chance of increasing the likelihood of birth defects, so wherever possible, women should go off their ulcerative colitis medication during pregnancy.

Flare ups during pregnancy increase the risk of miscarriage, but fortunately most ulcerative colitis medication (corticosteroids sulphasalazine and salazosulphadimidine) is not contra indicated for pregnancy. Methotrexate and Thalidomide, both immunosuppressive drugs, are completely banned for pregnancy usage and treatment with them is only prescribed in conjunction with rigorous birth control.

For a full list of what medication is safe and what isn't when trying to conceive and when pregnant, please consult a medical specialist.

In men, malnutrition may impact on fertility and some of the ingredients in prescribed sulfa medication (e.g. sulfasalazine) may alter sperm and cause lower sperm motility and sperm count. It is important to get the disease into remission or to go off this medication temporarily, before trying to impregnate your partner. Sperm return to normal within two months of not taking the sulfa component in ulcerative colitis medication.

Other medication is also available e.g. olsalazine and mesalamine as well as corticosteroids which may prove as effective as sulfasalazine but without the negative effects on sperm production and quality.

Apart from ulcerative colitis medication, much can be done to maintain and improve the disorder with a diet tailored to your allergies and food sensitivities, and the reduction of stress and anxiety in your can relate to and confide in. Support groups whether on or offline are also really helpful for suggestions which worked for others.

Is it a Colitis Relapse Or Not?

Everyone who is diagnosed with colitis knows that the chances of a relapse happening sometime in the future are probably as certain as night follows day. Yet whilst this is a known, exactly when is unknown. Can anyone who is diagnosed with colitis write down in their diary when their next relapse will occur? If they could, they should sell the secret and retire to their very own tropical island.

Until such a day arrives, colitis sufferers have to continue to live their lives as normally as possible yet always at the back of their mind there is the thought that a relapse might appear from nowhere. After their first attack, it is not unusual to proceed to have more relapses over many years interspersed with longer periods of remission. Yet it should actually be possible, after a certain period of time, to start seeing a pattern emerge both in the timing of when the symptoms happened and in addition, any evidence to suggest the reason behind their occurrence.

In addition to this, there is a possibility to also establish a timescale to determine when a sufferer may be vulnerable to a sudden appearance of the symptoms. These can be very short in timescale which can last, thankfully, for only perhaps a day or even shorter period of time. Once again, it is very important and beneficial to try and attempt to understand the reason behind why they happened with an eye to at least trying to avoid future circumstances that are in any way similar.

In practical terms, what does it mean for someone who has unfortunately been diagnosed with colitis? If newly diagnosed, as there is no history of patterns of attack, the sufferer can increase their knowledge by finding fellow sufferers and learning of different timescales of relapses and how they happened. And for those that have suffered a few relapses, a pattern could well have emerged on which to make a reasonable judgement as to the likely pattern of future relapses both in their timing and ferocity. Is this fail safe? No it is not but it can offer a reasonable degree of forecasting and is something to fall back on for personal use.

It is important to understand that if a relapse was experienced in the past and the sufferer is in the midst of a current one, it is wrong to assume that after the same length of time in the future another one will occur. The last thing a sufferer should do is create unnecessary stress for them over something that may not happen. The information gathered should be used with caution. The longer a sufferer has been diagnosed, the greater the information there is to hand in order to attempt to create an early warning system of when an attack could appear.

With colitis in general, there are unfortunately a lot of unknowns and the chances of the likelihood of when another relapse is due is certainly one of them. It is beneficial for the sufferer to gain as much knowledge from others and then to try and see if a pattern is emerging for their attacks and, probably more importantly, be knowledgeably informed of how to manage it as effectively as possible.

Detoxification Part 5 - Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal

IT'S NO SECRET; BENTONITE CLAY IS THE SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE NATURAL DETOXIFIERS KNOWN TO MAN: An internet search on the term "bentonite clay" reveals thousands of pages of information. Extending back several centuries and up to the present moment much has been studied, experienced, and written about the almost miraculous detoxification benefits of ancient, naturally-occurring bentonite clay (originating from volcanic ash that has over the millennia interacted with water and minerals in the environment resulting in its present-day state), which is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay, consisting mostly of montmorillonite. What I present here is certainly nothing new to the science and art of clay (and it is, indeed, both a science and an art!). But it should be remarkably exciting to anyone interested in detoxifying their bodies.

CLAY MOLECULES/PARTICLES ARE NEGATIVELY CHARGED WHILE MOST TOXINS ARE POSITIVELY CHARGED AND ARE, THUS, ADSORBED ONTO THE CLAY MOLECULES/PARTICLES: The exciting news that cannot be overemphasized is that bentonite clay isone of the most powerful adsorbents of free radical metals, toxins, poisons, bacteria, and even viruses! The science behind this fact (and it is a fact scientifically proven) is - simply put - that bentonite clay particles are negatively charged and attract the positively-charged toxins, etc (most of the bad guys are positively charged), thus adsorbing the nasty poisons onto the surface of the clay's millions of tiny thin flat particles, effectually trapping them. And once adsorbed onto the clay, the toxic substances will not be released, and will, consequently, be eliminated through the bowels along with the clay..

SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO BE COMPLETELY SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION: This incredibly powerful adsorbent quality of bentonite clay, in combination with the scientifically-proven fact that the clay is completely safe for human consumption (the relatively large amount of hydrous aluminum (A12 O3) silicate in the claycannot be absorbed into the human body - again, proven by science) makes the substance an excellent natural general body detox and cleansing agent that can be taken alone or in concert with our other detox and cleansing formulas.

MINERAL-RICH BENTONITE: Bentonite attracts and neutralizes poisons in the intestinal tract. It can eliminate food allergies, food poisoning, mucus colitis, spastic colitis, viral infections, stomach flu, and parasites (parasites are unable to reproduce in the presence of clay). There is virtually no digestive disease that clay will not treat. It enriches and balances blood. It adsorbs radiation (think cell phones, microwaves, x-rays, TVs and irradiated food, for starters). It has been used for alcoholism, arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain treatment, open wounds, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, animal and poisonous insect bites, acne, anemia, mouth sores, cancer sores, etc. Bentonite is a dark-grey to dark-green clay-rich rock composed of mostly montmorillonite, with minor concentrations of cristobalite, zeolite, and quartz, among others. Bentonite formation occurs when volcanic ash is altered by low-grade hydrothermal alteration. Alteration products of this type are distributed within Tertiary strata in Yamagata, Miyagi, Gunma, and Shimane Prefectures

The term active or "living clay" is born of research denoting ionic exchange capacities of given clay minerals. In the montmorillonite group of clay minerals called smectite, its micro crystals are extremely fine grained, irregular, and thin layered. The layers contain ions that are loosely bound and easily exchangeable, a characteristic which gives smecitites the properties of absorption and adsorption.

This means that in clay found in the desert regions where temperature is high and water scarce, leaching is minor. The washing away of the ions, and chemical hydrolysis is almost nonexistent. These clays are richer in silica and alkaline earth minerals. In the hydro-thermal state the synthesis of new clay minerals increases. Ions of silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium and potassium are concentrated. Evaporation of the water greatly increases the trace mineral content and leaves the ions negatively charged.

As these ions enter the human body in this form, they respond to gastric activity to become electrons. Adsorption takes place as dissolved matter is assimilated on the membrane surface. This begins the process of absorption as nourishment is changed into living tissue. This creates very favorable conditions for human consumption of living clay minerals.

The 3-Day Detox Diet - 72 Hours to a New You

While you can't reverse any cellular damage which has already occurred, you can change your way of living so that your toxic defense system is restored And you can do it in as little as three days by following a 3-day detox diet. A 3-day detox diet will cleanse your system of damaging free radicals, boost your production of healthy new cells, and energize your immune system. You'll be flushing all sorts of toxins from your body and will feel the difference almost immediately.

The 3-day detox diet is one of the gentlest of all toxic removal programs, and unlike other detoxification programs does not require you to get permission from your physician to begin, even if you are suffering from existing an existing illness including cancer, liver or kidney disorders, colitis, or anemia.

A Sample 3-Day Detox Diet

Most 3-day detox diet programs are similar, and each of the three days will find you eating the following foods

* On awakening, to increase the flow of your digestive juices, drink eight ounces of warm water into which you have squeezed the juice of half a lemon.

* For each of you meals eat a cup of whole grains (amaranth, buckwheat, or brown rice are fine) with three servings of fresh fruits or veggies, one of which is raw.

* If you combine your fruits and veggies as a salad, your dressing should either be plain raw vinegar or a virgin, cold-pressed olive or fish oil.

Supplements During Your 3-Day Detox Diet

Twice over the course of your 3-day detox diet you should take one of the following tonics for you liver and kidneys (you can choose two different tonics if you like):

* Two cups of chamomile, fennel, or dandelion tea;
* Two cups of yellow or parsley tea;
* Two cups of freshly squeezed vegetable juice ( either carrot or beet juice is excellent);
* A handful of black grapes:
* A clove of fresh garlic (this can be chopped and added to your salad)

You should also be consuming at least eight 8-ounce glasses of purified water each day of your 3-day detox diet program, and freshly-squeezed fruit juices like apple, grapefruit, or orange.

Sometime during your 3 day detox diet take a half-hour walk, and relax at bedtime with a cup of herbal tea. When you awaken the morning after your 3-day detox diet program is completed, you'll feel so good that you may decide to repeat the process. But before you begin, incorporate as many healthy changes as possible into your lifestyle. Your body will thank you in ways you can't imagine!

Ulcerative Colitis and the Role of Candida

One of the main causes of ulcerative colitis is the overgrowth of Candida, a gut flora. The inflammation of the colon, which is the main characteristic of ulcerative colitis, is due to the body's immune response against the proliferation of Candida.

A disease of the large intestine, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease which is accompanied by severe inflammation of the colon and rectum accompanied by ulcers and open sores. Its major symptoms include diarrhea with bloody, mucus lined, watery stool and abdominal cramps. Rectal bleeding, anemia, weight loss, fatigue, nutritional imbalance, and even joint pains and arthritis are also some of its associated symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is often confused with Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome due to the similarities in symptoms and often becomes difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease is also an inflammatory bowel disease but occurs mainly in the small intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome on the other hand is a functional disorder.

Though no particular cause of the disease has been found till now, ulcerative colitis is regarded as an autoimmune disease i.e. in which the body's immune system attacks itself. Actually the attack is not on the body but is triggered by an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. A common gut flora, Candida usually is quite harmless. It is fed upon by probiotics, which are friendly bacteria that help kill harmful disease causing agents. When probiotics fall in number due to overuse of antibiotics, the yeast proliferates and takes over all healthy microbes.

Normally resident in the intestinal tract, genitals, throat and mouth, Candida can penetrate the intestinal lining and make its way to various organs of the body through the blood stream. Releasing several toxins in the body and the initiator of many illnesses, the overgrowth of Candida triggers the body's immune system into launching an attack which results in many chronic diseases like ulcerative colitis. The immune response to Candida leads to the inflammation of the colon resulting in colitis. The inflammation is actually a defensive weapon of the immune system in order to prevent the yeast from penetrating the intestinal wall. Hence, ulcerative colitis develops in the course of fighting a harmful microbe.

Being attached to the inner wall of the intestine, Candida provides a stimulus for the immune system to respond. The inflammation can be prolonged and can lead to further aggravation of the disease if the Candida overgrowth is not cleaned out properly. It is usually quite difficult to remove Candida as it suppresses the body's immune response on itself. Taking antibiotics further worsens the situation. Also foods rich in sugar, alcohol, cheese, chocolate, caffeine, nuts and fermented foods help in further proliferation of Candida and should be avoided.

For ulcerative colitis resulting from Candida overgrowth, the only way to heal the body is to get rid of the yeast. A holistic Candida cleanse goes a long way in healing the body. Treatment usually involves taking the right diet along with the prescription medication Nystatin which kills intestinal yeast like Candida and thereby removes the cause of ulcerative colitis.

Autoimmune Hepatitis - All You Need To Know and Exciting News

Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease that results in heavy liver damage. It is widely misunderstood when it comes to the causes and the underlying triggers but, by the end of this article, the reader will learn about the background of the disease. Towards the end of the article we will look into recent developments that offer hope to those who suffer from it.

In this disease, the body gets its signal crossed, activates the immune system and puts it in"combat formation" to fight a non-existent enemy. It ends up causing damage to its own liver cells.

Your typical autoimmune hepatitis is chronic, which means that it can last for years, and can lead to cirrhosis and scarring of the liver. The worst case scenario is liver failure. Getting your facts straight will endure this doesn't happen to you.

Who gets autoimmune hepatitis?

Seven out of every ten patients are female. It can start at any age, but most of the time it first sets in during the young adulthood. Scientists are looking into genetic factors in people with autoimmune hepatitis. Some groundbreaking research of the disease have emerged in the last decade offering hop to all people suffering from this aggressive illness.

There is proof that this disease can strike you after a viral or bacterial infection. Also, some medications like antibiotic minocycline and the cholesterol medication atorvastatin have been linked to the disease.

The two types of the disease

All cases are grouped in type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is the most common among adults in North America, while type 2 is far less common and usually occurs in young girls age from 2 to 14.

What are the symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis?

Autoimmune hepatitis is very hard to recognize or even suspect because of the fact that the disease can have a sudden onset after it was "asleep" for a long period of time or its symptoms can gradually worsen over long periods of time. Very often, people have almost no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. The most common symptoms are:

  • joint pain

  • itching

  • yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes

  • nausea and vomiting

  • fatigue

  • abdominal pain

How is autoimmune hepatitis diagnosed?

Two typical means of diagnosis are blood tests and liver biopsy. Blood tests are looking for liver enzyme patterns that are typical for this disease as well as autoantibodies and the liver biopsy is a reliable way to determine just how serious the condition is.

Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis

It is best when the disease is diagnosed early before it makes any permanent damage. Primary treatment options in conventional medicine a corticosteroid Prednisone and Azathioprine. Both medications are used to suppress the overactive immune system and amend some of the damage. The down side of such treatment lies in the fact that it does not cure the disease, it just controls the symptoms. The drugs also have very intense side effects which is why more and more people turn to alternative medicine and holistic treatment options for autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune hepatitis is a mysterious disease because of the lack of knowledge in conventional medicine on the causes of the disease. But, lately, some exciting news has been reported on the discoveries of underlying chemical imbalance and causes. Based on this, a new natural treatment protocol called The Norton Protocol is fashioned with amazing reported success rate that offers hope to all the sufferers. Read more about the news at the home page of the Norton protocol.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Herbal Colon Cleanse Tips to Prepare For a Super Colon Cleanse Treatment

Using herbal products is probably the best natural method you can choose to cleanse your colon but you want to maximize the health benefits you can get from the procedure. Therefore it is wise to learn some herbal colon cleanse tips from the nutrition experts, to achieve a super colon cleanse treatment.

Many experts indicate that herbal products are highly effective in detoxifying the body and flushing out harmful waste matter that has been stuck inside the colon for years. Fibers in particular have been found to improve the body's waste elimination processes, making them an essential element in most herbal colon cleanse diets.

According to many popular herbal colon cleanse tips, one of the most recommended fibers that you can use is psyllium, a substance that is extracted from the husks of psyllium seeds. It is a water soluble fiber that is great for improving bowel movement. Interestingly, it is also commonly used as a thickening agent for lotions and salad dressings.

Psyllium has been used for many years as an herbal treatment for diarrhea, chronic constipation, colitis and other digestive problems. Most people today eat a lot of meats, sugars and fatty foods, all of which can cause irregularities in bowel movements. Psyllium can balance the effects of these foods, enabling you to have regular waste elimination despite eating some unhealthy foods.

How Healthy Are You On The Inside?

Other herbal colon cleanse tips also say that the kind of stool that you eliminate is an indication of how healthy your colon is. Even if you do have regular bowel movements, if your stool is unusually hard, bulky and difficult to pass, that is a sign of poor colon health. On the other hand, if your stool is softer, well-formed and does not require a lot of exertion to pass, your colon walls are likely to be in much better condition.

By eating sufficient amounts of dietary fibers, you can ensure that your stool will always be of the latter kind. In addition, you can be sure that no toxic matters are going to be left behind in your intestines since the fiber absorbs all of these harmful substances.

As you can see, colon cleansing does offer a lot of benefits for your intestinal health, but that is not all you can get by undergoing a colon cleanse diet. Nutrition experts also say that these herbal colon cleanse tips are also useful if you want to lose weight, since dietary fibers can fill you up really well, preventing you from getting hungry as often.

The only downside to using dietary fibers is that excessive consumption can lead to slow passage of food from the stomach to the intestines. However, if you do not exceed the recommended daily dosage, this should not be a problem.

Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Using Medications

Medications for ulcerarive colitis do not cure ulcerative colitis itself. But they can help provide some relief for the pain and discomfort caused by symptoms. One of the other things medications can do for you is help you attain remission - and hold it.

The following medications for ulcerative colitis are used most often by doctors.

Sulfasalazine - Sulfasalazine combines two other drugs, sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicyclic acid, which is often simply called 5-ASA. The role of sulfapyridine is to transport 5-aminosalicyclic acid to the intestines. But sulfapyridine has a variety of possible effects like headaches, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea.

Aminosalicylates - There's also 5-ASA in this medication but no sulfapyridine. Therefore, it has no side effects and can be taken by those who can't take aminosalyicylates.. Aminosalicylates are made from salicylic acid, and there's evidence they have antioxidant properties. Your doctor can suggest several different methods for administering aminosalicylates: by mouth, by suppository, of with an enema. This group of medications is usually first treatment for individuals with colitis. They can also provide some relief when the patient suffers a relapse.

Corticosteroids - These medications include prednisone, methylprednisone, and hydrocortisone. Their primary benefit is that they reduce inflammation. Cortisteroids generally work best with patients who have moderate to severe cases. Delivery methods include enema, suppository, or a pill taken orally. They can also be administered intravenously.. Your doctor will recommend a delivery method based on where the inflammation is located in your colon. Certicosteroids are better when used in the short term. But they have been known to cause side effects in the long term, including weight gain, risk of infection. mood swings, hypertension, facial hair, diabetes, bone mass loss, and acne.

Immunomodulators - These have an effect on the immune system that reduces swelling and inflammation. Corticosteroids are usually recommended when corticosteroids and 5-ASA's haven't worked, or when the patient has become dependent of corticosteroids. They're popular with many patients because they are taken by mouth. However, they take a long time to work compared to other drugs, possibly as long as six months before the patient gets the full benefit.

Cyclosporine A - Patients who are suffering from active, severe cases are often treated with this drug. It may also be administered to those who have not had success with intravenous methods. Cyclosporine is often combined with 6-MP or azathioprine. While treatment with these medications is progressing, the patient may also need other drugs to help relax, get relief from pain,andr combat diarrhea or infection.

Once again, doctors know of no long-lasting cure for ulcerative colitis. However, medications for ulcerative colitis can help prevent flare ups and keep down inflammation. Plus, they can reduce or delay the need for surgery.

Your doctor will evaluate a number of factors in deciding on the appropriate ulcerative colitis medication for you. Among these factors are

* how much discomfort your symptoms are causing
* complications that could arise
* any side effects you may have to face
* other ulcerative colitis medications that have worked - or not worked - previously

Although many similarities exist from one case to another, ulcerative colitis affects different individuals in different ways. So it's possible your physician may have to try a number of therapies before finding one that will be best for you.

Fecal Transplant Therapy for C Diff, Colitis, and More - An Introduction

Fecal Transplant: an introduction...

Fecal transplant. Let face it, the name alone is enough to gross out pretty much anyone. It is, in fact, just what it sounds like: taking feces from a person with healthy intestines and placing it in the colon of the ailing patient. This process puts the "good" bacteria that is normally found in the intestines of a healthy individual into the recipient, whose good bacteria is sparse or even non-existent. This new treatment offers great hope, no ill side effects, a 90%+ success rate, and many patients see improvement after just a few days. Despite the fecal treatment being around since 1958 and building considerable legitimacy from academic research, the FDA has not investigated it as a viable alternative to pills and other medicine. Many times, the culprit is actually the FDA-approved antibiotics that gradually decimates the good bacteria, while creating stronger and more resistant bad bacteria in patients.

What could cause the healthy bacteria to decline in a person? Most sources say it is when a nasty, unhealthy bacteria strain known as Clostridium difficile, or C. diff for short, takes over. Normally the good bacteria maintain a balance with the bad, but this order can become disrupted by the very antibiotics used to treat a C. diff patient. The good bacteria get progressively wiped out with each round of antibiotics and C. diff can then thrive, outnumber the good, and get a stronger hold on the intestines.

C. diff on the rise...

C. diff infection cases have been growing in number during the last 30 years at an alarming rate. They were first thought of as merely a temporary negative side effect to antibiotics but as the bacteria strain has become more resilient to treatments over the years, it is now considered a serious health problem. As the years go by with more and more C. diff strains creating permutations, they've grown stronger and more resistant to medications used to cure them. Remember, the drugs used against C. diff usually kill off the healthy bacteria too. This "screens out" all but the most resistant, hearty C. diff bacteria that reproduce and take over more of the person's intestinal real estate.

According to gastrointerologist and immunologist Alex Khoruts at the University of Minnesota, the fecal transplant bacteria indeed take over the ailing patient's intestines and replace the once-thriving helpful bacteria. Think of it like sending in the healthy bacterial reinforcements to battle it out in the guts. This is enough to swing the advantage back to the good guys and the harmful C. diff is slowly killed off to regain a healthy balance.

Fecal donors

When it comes to finding a donor, yes a feces donor, most medical professionals ask their patients to choose one themselves. This could be a brother, sister, child, spouse, or other individual that is willing and has had tests to show they have a healthy gastrointestinal system.

The type of screening needed for a fecal donor is about the same standard as for a blood donation. This ensures they have no digestive diseases or other ailments which would reduce the fecal transplant's success or, worse yet, introduce a new disease to the recipient. The lab work needed is not always covered by insurance and can create other hurdles also with respect to time and medical confidentiality.


Another alternative that has been proposed is to simply have the patients do the fecal transplant in their own home using an enema kit. The downside, as mentioned in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, is that too much of the transplant "material" may leak out and thereby result in an unsuccessful treatment. Supposedly seven patients have done the do-it-yourself fecal transplant at home safely and had a 100% recovery rate.

Fecal transplants, despite the lack of focused, formal FDA investigation seem to be gaining more popularity as a viable treatment. It has also been recommended that they be tried first in cases of severe C. diff infections as opposed to something to try as a last resort. What is also very thought-provoking is the research on how the intestinal bacteria can influence other health issues such as anxiety, depression, pre-diabetics, and obesity among others. Yes, a poop swap could boost your mood...

Fecal transplants are now undergoing clinical trials not in the United States, but in Canada. The FDA needs those in the medical field who are advocates of this treatment to provide more research and formally file to have this procedure approved. The researchers in the United States express some apprehension about the FDA-approval process, and about being able to answer all the potential questions arising from the proposal. Unlike drug approval petitions, which the FDA commonly deals with, feces is not classified as a drug or other patentable thing. Nevertheless, people are already trying fecal transplants at home to treat their debilitating C. diff infections. Medical providers need to be able to offer this safe, low cost treatment in a professional environment to achieve the best success rates.

Kidney Transplantation - The Alternative Treatment For Kidney Through Transplantation

Kidney transplantation is a practice that puts a healthy kidney from another person into your body. This one new kidney takes over the work of your two failed kidneys. Kidney transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney in a patient with end-stage renal disease.

Once a person's kidneys fail, three medication alternatives are on hand: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. A lot of patients consider that a doing well kidney transplant offers a improved value of life since it lets greater freedom and frequently is related with energy levels greater than before and a less restricted diet. In settling on whether this is the best medication for you, you can get it useful to have a discussion to people who by now have had a kidney transplant. In addition, you required to talk to your doctor, nurse and also family members.

If you suffer advanced and enduring kidney failure, kidney transplantation possibly will be the treatment alternative that lets you to live much like you lived before your kidneys failed. Transplantation is not a cure; it's a constant treatment that necessitates you to get medicines for the rest of your life.

Several transplanted kidneys originate from donors who have died. And some derive from a living family member. The wait for a new kidney can be long. Individuals who have transplants have to take drugs to protect their body from refusing the new kidney for the rest of their lives.

The sign for kidney transplantation is end-stage renal disease, despite the main cause. This is described as a drop in the glomerular filtration rate to 20-25% of normal. General diseases causing end-stage renal disease consist of malignant hypertension, infections, diabetes mellitus and glomerulonephritis; genetic causes comprising polycystic kidney disease in addition to many inborn errors of metabolism and autoimmune conditions together with lupus and Goodpasture's syndrome.

Diabetes is the most general reason of kidney transplant, accounting for about 25% of persons in the US. The greater part of renal transplant recipients are on some type of dialysis - hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or the similar procedure of hemofiltration - at the occasion of transplantation. On the other hand, people with chronic renal failure who have a living donor available frequently choose to undertake transplantation prior to dialysis is required.

There are some significant things to think about when choosing a kidney transplant center and surgeon, comprising survival rates, program longevity, contribution in research and the records of the physicians and staff.

Does Drinking Distilled Water Put You at Risk For Urinary Tract Infections and Ulcerative Colitis?

A lot of people seem to believe that drinking distilled water is a safe alternative to consuming tap water, but it may not be quite as safe as you think. You would probably be surprised at just how lax the regulation is when it comes to the water bottlers. The rules that these companies have to follow are far less stringent than those that the water treatment facilities have to go by.

The reason that people are turning to the use of bottled water is the ever rising level of contamination in our reservoirs. There are roughly 80,000 chemical agents in use today that find their way into our groundwater system through mishandling, improper disposal, and faulty storage. Pesticides and herbicides are some of the worst offenders, and they are prominent in our water.

Of all of the chemicals we need to worry about, there are literally over two thousand that have been identified as carcinogens. Every time you open your tap you are exposed to at least one carcinogenic agent, as the chlorine and chloramine that are used to disinfect our water are both cancer causing agents. Drinking distilled water may not keep you safe from these chemicals.

The fact is that while the water treatment facilities can allow no confirmed E-coli or fecal coliform bacteria, there is no such prohibition on bottled water! There is actually a certain amount of coliform bacteria that is allowed to be in bottled water. Consumption of these bacteria can lead to gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, and neonatal meningitis. And, certain strains cause inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

The water treatment facilities must filter and disinfect our water, but there are actually no federal requirements for filtration or disinfection of bottled water. There have been many recalls of bottled water over the years due to high levels of contamination. This means that drinking distilled water may still not mean that your water is free from any of the harmful chemicals that are present in tap water.

It wouldn't really matter whether or not your bottled water has been put through the most stringent filtration and disinfection process possible, because it is still going to contain cancer causing agents. There are chemicals such as phthalates that leach off of the plastic and into your water. There is no such thing as "pure" bottled water no matter what the bottlers say.

Instead of drinking distilled water you should install a high quality water purification system in your home, and bottle your own water. A home purification system is capable of removing 99% of all of the contaminants present in our water, which is far more purity than you can expect from prepackaged water, as you have learned. If you want to ensure your family the healthiest water possible, then one of these systems is the way to go.

Bottle your own purified water in a seal able glass container, or food grade stainless steel aqua-canteen. You need to forget about drinking distilled water, because it is not what people think it is.

Tips for Crohn's Flare-ups

Living with any chronic disease can be a challenge, and Crohn's is no exception. The extremely painful flare-ups make day-to-day living seem impossible and when the disease is in remission, the stress of worrying about the next one can be almost as bad. So, how do deal with these flare-ups when they happen?

A Crohn's flare-up is usually associated with the onset of symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, weight loss, abdominal pain and rectal bleeding, a loss of appetite and diarrhea.

The first step is being able to recognize the risk factors involved in dealing with flare-ups. Maybe the easiest risk factor to avoid is exposure to tobacco products, weather you're smoking them yourself or if your family members or friends are.

Another major risk factor for Crohn's flare-ups is stress. While it's impractical to think that you can remove stress from your life completely, making a concerted effort to try to limit the amount of stress can seriously reduce the amount of and severity of Crohn's flare-ups. Things like yoga or medication or even just making time in your schedule to read a good book can be great ways to relax and stave off the stress monster.

Another possible trigger for Crohn's disease is a woman's menstrual cycle. Many women who suffer from Crohn's experience an increase in flare-ups during their period. It's recommended that women who experience this keep a diary over a period of months to look for trends and help develop a treatment regiment with your doctor to put an end to the cycle.

The use of some over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) have also been linked to Crohn's flare-ups. If you need a non-prescription pain killer, consult your doctor to see what kind is right for you.

Treatment for these flare-ups fall into three basic categories: drug treatment, nutritional adjustments and surgery.

The most common drug to treat Crohn's are anti-inflammatories, such as Sulfasalazine. This drug has shown to work for a majority of Crohn's sufferers, but it's not a cure-all. And like with all drugs, there are side effects such as nausea, vomiting and headache.

If you have moderate to severe Crohn's, the FDA has approved a drug called Remicade. The drug actually blocks the bodies inflammatory response. This drug is only used for patients who don't respond to more traditional treatments.

Nutritional supplements are another common way to deal with Crohn's flare-ups. This course of action is geared to those that don't want to put medications in their bodies and are looking for a more natural alternative. Foods to avoid, such as spicy foods, whole grains and dairy products are a good first step. Drinking high protein shakes to make up for the fact that a patients intestines are so ravaged so that they don't absorb nutrients anymore is another common way to help treat the disease. These are especially common in kids who need nutrients to grow.

A large number of Crohn's patients will need surgery at some point to deal with the long-term effects of the disease. Sufferers are warned, however, that removing a section of intestine doesn't cure the disease, but may be necessary if that area becomes to deteriorated by ulcers. It should be used as a last resort.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Do You Know This Important Information About Colon Disease

The colon is a very important organ that performs a very vital function in the human body. The colon is responsible for eliminating a large bulk of wastes formed from the digestive process, and is sort of the sewerage system in a person. It is thus important to maintain the health of the colon because improperly functioning bowels can cause disastrous problems in the body. Knowing about diseases that the colon may acquire can help in keeping one's colon health in check.

Colon disease vary in their gravity, some may just be mild irritation while others can be a threat to life. The four most common kinds of colon disease include non-cancerous polyps, ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease and Crohn's disease.


Colon polyps are basically abnormal growths of tissue that appear in the lining of the colon, protruding into intestine's canal. While polyps are normally not serious, they can develop cancer cells later if not detected early. There are three subtypes of polyps and polyp-related diseases: ordinary polyps, familial adenomatous polposis, and Lynch Syndrome.

Ordinary polyps occur sporadically among people aged 40 to 60. These polyps may progress into cancer within ten years, and thus they are often removed with colonoscopy. Familial adenomatous polyposis or FAP is a hereditary disease that is characterized by the occurrence polyps in the colon by the hundreds or even thousands, with great chances of developing cancer and thus treatment entails removal of the colon. Lynch Syndrome is another hereditary condition that is more common than FAP, although less common than ordinary polyps, and unlike FAP, which occurs as early as age ten, Lynch Syndrome usually appears as late as the 40s or as early as the 20s.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is characterized by the inflammation in the mucosa, the deepest lining of the colon or rectum. Ulcers or small open sores would form on the lining's surface, producing blood, pus and mucus. Around 500,000 to about two million people in America suffer this disease and most of the patients are below the age 30.

Ulcerative Colitis usually manifests with abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, fevers, or weight loss. Patients who experience excessive bleeding may also develop anemia and malnutrition, especially for children. The symptoms of this disease can disappear and reappear within months or years.

Diverticular Disease

Some people develop pockets in the walls of their colon, these pockets are called dierticula and their presence is what doctors refer to as diverticulosis while their inflammation is called diverticulitis. Complications can happen when infection reaches diverticula. The pockets may rupture causing bowel blockage or leaking of the bowel wall. Another great danger is the introduction of harmful bacteria causing abscesses and even small tears in the colon walls that could lead to life threatening abscesses in the abdomen.

Many people who have diverticular disease may not know about it because diverticulosis usually do not have symptoms. At most, people have mild cramps, constipation and bloating. Diverticulitis on the other hand manifests with abdominal pain, soreness around the lower left side of the abdomen, fever, vomiting, nausea, chills, and cramping. The gravity of these symptoms greatly depends on the extent of complications and infection.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease, which is also known as enteritis or ileitis, is a digestive tract disease characterized by the chronic inflammation of the colon and other parts of the digestive tract. It affects about 500,000 to two million Americans and can recur over a patient's lifetime. Oftentimes, Crohn's Disease is hard to detect because it has similar symptoms to other colon disorders like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

The usual symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, anal pain, bloating, anal drainage, rectal abscesses, joint pain, skin lesions and fissure. Some patients bleed to the extent of developing anemia. Crohn's disease may stunt the growth and development of children due to the malabsorption of protein and other important nutrients.

Crohn's disease may sometimes result into ulcers that could tunnel to surrounding tissues and areas such as the vagina, and bladder. Fistulas, or abnormal tunnels, may also result from Crohn's disease.

Knowing about colon diseases is just a small part of keeping one's digestive health on the right track. Regular checkups for colon disease or other illnesses are necessary to ensure good health and general well being.

3 Easy Remedies for Quick Hemorrhoid Relief

Quick hemorrhoid relief is important because hemorrhoids usually present an itching, rectal pain and bleeding symptoms. It is a difficult and uncomfortable health problem, especially for those who spend most of their days in a sitting position. While hemorrhoids are not considered a serious health problem, the pain and embarrassment they cause can be intense and frustrating. The situation is made even worse by that fact that it can be quite difficult to find an effective relief from hemorrhoids, as most ointments just give quick hemorrhoid relief but without any lasting effect.

Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal that aid in stool control. When these structures become inflamed, they develop into an acute disease known as 'piles'. There are two kinds of hemorrhoids - the external hemorrhoid and internal hemorrhoid. External hemorrhoids are felt as bulges in the anus. They can be painful and the accompanying swelling can cause irritation. When blood clots in external hemorrhoids, it can lead to thrombosis and will need medical attention.

In contrast, and as the name implies, internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum. Generally, they are not painful and most people are unaware that they have them. Left untreated, bleeding internal hemorrhoids can lead to prolapsed and strangulated hemorrhoids.

Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, irritation, a burning feeling, and bleeding. Very rarely do hemorrhoids become a serious or urgent medical condition, however, medical advice may help relieve any pain and discomfort. You might also want to try these 3 quick hemorrhoid relief methods to stop your condition from getting worse.

One quick hemorrhoid relief method is natural topical medicine which you can buy off-the-shelf, or you can prepare on your own. If you prefer the latter, you can try witch hazel and aloe vera. Witch hazel is a medicinal plant whose extracts help with skin cuts, burns, and relief of pain. It's available from any drugstore. Aloe vera extract, on the other hand, can be made into a gel or a tonic and then applied to the affected area to reduce inflammation as well as lessen the itching and the pain. Keep in mind, however that, although topical medicines can provide instant relief, there is a possibility of a recurrence of your situation after two to three days.

A second easy treatment for quick hemorrhoid relief is to get a filled ice bag and apply it on the affected area for about fifteen minutes per day. In order to be more effective, you can alternate this with a sitz bath A sitz bath expands the veins around the hemorrhoids, promoting better circulation around the inflamed area, while the ice pack contracts the veins to numb any pain.

Taking vitamin E is a third remedy for quick hemorrhoid relief. In hemorrhoid cases, however, vitamin E is not taken orally. The content of the vitamin E capsule is then applied directly to the affected area. For best results, you should do this at least twice a day.

Of course, you should also make it a habit to drink plenty of water, and replace a high meat diet with fiber. Meat is all protein, which sits in the intestines and will inflame the hemorrhoid. Fiber will have the opposite effect, and help promote regularity.

What Causes Acid Reflux Symptoms in Women?

You know the drill -- it begins with pregnancy and as the baby progresses in size, all of your internal organs get smashed, punched, kicked and moved in ways you never thought possible; but does this lead to the cause of acid reflux symptoms in women?

It Is More Than Just What You Eat
Have you ever wondered why some men can eat anything? More than likely they could eat nails and eliminate them from their systems without experiencing any harm at all. Kind of reminds you of the family dog, doesn't it? It seems they have guts made out of cast iron. Not so for most women, who experience fluctuations in their digestive system as continually as the sun goes up and the sun goes down. One day it's diarrhea, the next constipation.

The stomach rumbles and burns causing uncomfortable bloating, pain, gas, flatulence (oh my!) a sour taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in your throat. You've quit eating all the foods you like, and yet you still suffer the symptoms of acid reflux. What gives?

The Body's pH Balance Is Upset
What does this mean? pH stands for potential of hydrogen. Hydrogen is a gas found in the sun -- no wonder you're burning up inside. Your body's pH balance is measured by a scale of zero to 14 with 7.0 being a neutral condition. Below 7.0 is acidic, above 7.0 is alkaline. The ideal range for the body's pH is 6.1 to 7.5, preferably more alkaline at 7.4.

When your body's pH balance is upset, this is when you begin to experience acid reflux symptoms. If you don't address the problem, acid reflux symptoms in women can lead to diseases like GERD, chronic gastritis,
conditions that cause colitis, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, Crohn's Disease and a whole host of complications that could end up in cancer.

The body doesn't like to be acidic for too long. And recently studies have linked acidic bodies to a whole host of viruses and problems.

How to Treat Diarrhea in a Silky Terrier

If you're like me and the hundreds of other people who are lucky enough to have a silky terrier as a pet, you are undoubtedly going to have times when you canine pal goes through a bout of diarrhea. You know it's a mess and you feel for your pet, but if you're like most of us, you just want her to get over it so you aren't constantly cleaning up after her. How good would it be if for both of you if you could hurry the process along?

Diarrhea in silky terriers is usually just a natural response to something they have eaten that has upset their bowels and will generally go away after 24 hours. Recurring or continuous diarrhea may be a sign of a more serious condition. As you read this article you'll learn what to look for, what to do to give your pet some comfort, and when to make the trip to the veterinarian if required.

If your dog's stool is runny but clear, no mucus or blood present, the best thing to do is just take her off her feed for 24 hours and let her get rid of the offending substance naturally. Put up her food bowl but make sure she has plenty of water available. The biggest health concern with regular diarrhea is dehydration. If you're concerned that she isn't drinking enough, add unflavored children's pedialyte to her drinking water to help restore electrolyte levels. In essence you have just made her a doggie version of GatorAid.

After 24 hours you can start her back on a bland diet. Cooked chicken and boiled rice are good choices but don't be surprised when she becomes hooked on this diet. If her stool is still runny, you can firm it up using a teaspoon of children's Immodium, or a more natural cure, a half tablespoon of canned pumpkin. Make sure it is 100% pumpkin and not just the pumpkin pie filling.

Pretty easy stuff so far right?

Are you beginning to love your dog again?

I thought you might.

If the diarrhea continues after 24 hours there maybe some other issues in question. If there is blood or mucus in the stool, your pal may have colitis or an inflammation of the large bowel. When this occurs water is not absorbed in the bowel causing a runny stool. The blood is a result of the inflammation.

Usually this condition comes from eating something that they shouldn't have and the fix is the same as regular diarrhea although they may have to be on the bland diet longer.

However, there are other possible causes that can be a significantly bigger risk to your silky's health. Including parasites like giardia, coccidia, intestinal worms and even salmonella. If the diarrhea continues for more than 4 days you should take a stool sample and see a vet for analysis. If you pal becomes less alert or lethargic, or stops barking at everything like all silkies do, then take her to the vet right away as something more than diarrhea is bothering her.

So that's how you treat the little long haired critter for the runs. I'm sure you already know this, but being able to identify and care for your silky's health issues only tightens the bond between the two of you and that's a pretty good thing. Right?

Constipation Home Remedies and Natural Treatments That Work

Constipation generally arises due to the irregular bowel movements, producing extreme discomfort in passing stools. It results in incomplete evacuation of the rectum, which may give rise to other digestive ailments. Toxins build up in the body and are released into the blood stream producing undesirable side effects. The sufferer often experiences extreme pain, due to the hardening of stools resulting in bleeding in the rectum and anus. This condition can affect people of all age groups and should be treated immediately. Prolonged suffering from constipation can lead to chronic hemorrhoids and piles.


Commonly observed symptoms of constipation are

1. Feeling of pain in the rectum while passing stool.
2. Incomplete evacuation of the bowel.
3. Burning sensation in the rectum and anus followed by bleeding.


There are many causes for constipation, and the common ones are

1. Consuming low fiber diet
2. Taking too much of spicy and oily foods
3. Drinking less amount of water
4. Obesity
5. Digestive problems like acidity, colitis and liver problems.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is generally treated by administrating laxatives, which are available as over the counter medicines. Home remedies can produce wondrous results in treating this disorder.

1. People suffering from constipation must include plenty of fruits and green vegetables in their diet and drink plenty of water. Vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber that enables smooth bowel movement. Water helps in the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body.

2. Avoid refined flour and take food prepared from whole wheat grains. Brown bread, chapattis also help in reducing the problem of constipation.

3. Though high in calories, Black strap molasses are highly beneficial in treating constipation. Take two table spoons of Black strap molasses with milk or fruit juices before going to bed.

4. "After dinner walk a mile" is a popular saying. Follow this regularly for proper digestion of food.

5. Juice of cabbage helps in reducing constipation problems. Drink half cup of this juice daily two times a day.

6. Dry Spiegel seeds are widely used to treat constipation. Mix ten grams of Spiegel seeds in a glass of warm water and drink it daily at night before going to bed.

7. Dates taken along with milk also help in reducing constipation problem.

8. Regular intake of Figs in good amount helps in reducing chronic constipation. Figs are soaked in water overnight and taken early in the morning.

9. Add four grams of Triphala in 200 ml. of water or milk and drink it regularly. Triphala is highly effective in curing constipation.

The Uses Of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has a history of over 2500 years and comes from China. It has now become very popular throughout Europe and Asia too.

Today people are moving more away from western medicine and moving more towards acupuncture, mainly when western medicine has no answer to their medical ailment or they do not like the other options given them, be it surgery or drugs or even when they have been told that nothing else can be done. They turn to acupuncture for pain relief, for chronic illness, for acute injuries, for various side effects brought on by other medications, for incurable conditions, during cancer treatments etc.

The major use of acupuncture today is in the relief of pain. For example severe tension headaches, migraine, acute backaches, shoulder and neck aches, leg pains, trapped nerves, muscle related injuries, after surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, after sports injuries, menstrual pains, tennis elbow, tooth aches, abdominal pains, arthritic pains, rheumatic pains, sciatica and frozen shoulder.

Other than for pain relief acupuncture can be used for many other ailments as well. These include:

Menopausal symptoms and problems, hot flushes, endometriosis, infertility, premenstrual tension.

Bladder or bowel problems such as irritable bowel and irritable bladder syndrome and incontinence. Difficulty in urination or painful urination, urinary infections and cystitis.

Digestive disorders, which include nausea, indigestion, heartburn and diarrhea.

Respiratory problems, which include asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs which persist, sinus problems, catarrh and tonsillitis.

Allergies and skin problems such as rhinitis, hay fever, prickly heat, rashes and ulcers, eczema, some types of dermatitis and psoriasis.

Conditions which include the eyes and mouth such as simple cataract, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, retinitis and toothache, pharyngitis, dry mouth condition known as xerostomia and post extraction pain.

Heart problems such as poor circulation, stroke recovery, hypertension.

It also helps in conditions like hiccough, gastritis, gastric ulcers, colitis, constipation, lack of energy and chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood swings, post traumatic shock, dizziness, in post operative treatment, in complaints that cannot be diagnosed, Achilles tendonitis and golfer's elbow.

It can also help in addictions mainly to stop smoking.

In short, acupuncture can be used for almost anything and everything - it can control pain, it helps in addictions and addiction withdrawal symptoms, it helps in enhancement of health, it can help in recoveries after injuries like sports injuries, it can prevent diseases, strengthen the body and it can also be used and show results when all other types of medicines have failed.

Sometimes the acupuncture treatment, which is inserting needles into the body, is done in conjunction with other complimentary techniques such as herbs, massaging, cupping, moxibusion also known as warming, electro-stimulation and with laser devices.

Generally, most people react very well to acupuncture with a sense of well-being and being relaxed and also being able to sleep well and overall increase in energy levels and better digestion. Because acupuncture is a treatment using natural techniques, people rarely suffer from any side effects. It can also be recommended for people of all ages, that is from children to even the elderly.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Diets - Food Combining

Foods fall into the 3 categories:

Fruits which should be eaten separately.

Proteins (nuts, seeds, beans, meat, fish, poultry) and starches (grains, pasta, breads, cereal, rice, carrots)


Most people can eat a variety of foods without it causing health problems but if you do suffer then "Great Taste No Pain" may be the answer.

A lot of people do not know about the differences between proteins, starches and fats so as a result often consume more starch than protein, as starches tend to be more filling and satisfying.

Combining of protein and starch can be beneficial.

Sherry Brescia a Natural Health Researcher has created a FREE white paper. She had not heard of food combination until she was told about it while having an evening meal. She was told that common food combinations can spell big health problems, especially for people prone to digestive issues. She had suffered and had tried everything, all the tests, drugs, pills and medical advice and purely by chance found the solution.

After following the food combining diet she suffered no symptoms after years of suffering.

She states that no longer did she suffer from the usual digestive problems of cramps, bloated stomach, excessive gas, acid reflux or constipation.

She thinks by eating the "Great Taste No Pain Way" you could change your life for ever.

Sherry had no negative side effects to endure. The enhanced digestion made her feel more satisfied with her meals. Since following the food combining plan she has never looked back.

Fish Oil's Role in Reducing Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) And Crohn's Disease

With each passing medical and scientific study the benefits of fish oil and fish oil supplements, are finding their way into the spotlight. Many studies have shown a correlation between reducing the possibility of heart failure, heart attack and different vascular diseases, but it has only been recently that a connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and helpful benefits for patients suffering from Irritable Bowl Diseases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease.

Many of these studies are double-blind studies that are further validated with cultural studies of Inuit and Eskimo populations that have a diet high in fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids and a very low occurrence of ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease. As the evidence mounts, further studies will be needed to pinpoint with any accuracy how much the dietary intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can help in patients suffering from these gastrointestinal diseases, but on the surface the smaller studies that have been done are very promising.

Ulcerative Colitis and Chrohn's Disease Overview

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases. These diseases are believed to be caused by several factors. First, genetic and non-genetic causes are believed to be the culprit in many cases. The other possible cause is environmental factors such as infections that cause an immune reaction in the gastrointestinal area. The body then generates a large amount of white blood cells in the intestinal lining. These white blood cells release chemicals in the process of fighting the infection that inflame the intestinal tissue. It should be noted, though, that the exact causes of IBDs, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are currently unknown.

In general, an ulcerative colitis attack or Crohn's disease attack will consist of severe intestinal inflammation, which can cause bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, bleeding from the ulcers, rupture of the bowel, obstructions and strictures, fistulae, toxic megacolon and malignant cancer. In the last instance, the risk of colon cancer in patients that have had ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease rises significantly. Generally, after an attack, the disease will go into a remission stage that can last weeks or even years. If you are suffering from these symptoms you should see your physician immediately for a proper diagnosis.

Until recently, the treatment for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease was, first and foremost, a healthy diet. If symptoms require it, physicians will ask their patients to limit their intake of dairy and fiber. While it is true that diet has relatively little to no influence on the actual inflammation process within ulcerative colitis, it could have influence on the different symptoms associated with it. On the other hand, diet does have an impact on the inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease and one of the main ways of treating these symptoms is a diet that consists of predigested food. It should also be noted that in both diseases, stress has been shown to be a factor in causing flare-ups. Because of this, physicians will also emphasize the importance of stress management.

Secondarily, medical treatment for these two diseases involves suppression of the high level of inflammatory response mechanisms of the immune system within the intestinal tract. By suppressing this response, the intestinal tissue can heal and the symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea can be relieved. After the symptoms have been controlled, further medicinal treatment helps to decrease flare-ups and lengthen or maintain remission periods.

Conventional methods of medicating these two diseases involve a stepped approach. Initially, the least harmful of medications are given in as low a dosage as possible and are taken for a short time period. If these medications provide little or no relief, the dosages are either increased or the medications are changed.

The lowest levels of medications, or Step I, are aminosalicylates and antibiotics. Corticosteroids make up the set of Step II drugs. Step III drugs involve the use of immune modifying medications or a drug called Infliximab for patients suffering from Crohn's disease. These medications are not used, however, during acute flare-ups due to the length of time that a flare-up can last. Only after Step III medications fail completely are Step IV drugs introduced because at this time, they are experimental.

A final alternative in treating ulcerative colitis is surgery. Because ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon, surgery can completely cure it. Crohn's disease, unfortunately, is not restricted to the colon and can exist anywhere in the digestive tract. Because of this, surgery will often complicate matters more.

Limitations of Medical Treatment

Nearly one-quarter of all patients diagnosed with some form of IBD, either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, will not respond to medical treatment. In about three-quarters of cases of Crohn's disease, surgery (even though it is not curative) will be required. Regardless of current medical treatment, a person suffering from ulcerative colitis will have a 50% chance of having remission end within a two-year period after the last flare-up. Even if the initial diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is limited to the rectum there is a 50% probability of the disease becoming more extensive over a twenty-five year period. If a patient has ulcerative colitis that involves the entire colon, that patient stands a 60% chance of requiring a colectomy and most patients will require surgical intervention within the first year after diagnosis of the disease.

It's obvious that Intestinal Bowel Disease can be debilitating. Continued treatments with progressively harsher medications and surgeries that may help in some cases but not others become the norm for these patients. Further, the complications like strictures and fistulas associated with IBDs, can ultimately lead to colon cancer. Many times, these complications create a feeling of hopelessness among those who suffer from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

There is hope, though. New studies are presenting strong evidence for the use of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil and fish oil supplements) in the prevention and treatment of IBDs. These studies are shedding new light on the multi-faceted health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and ultimately may present new methods for the treatment of these painful diseases.

The Case for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Traditionally, the Inuit populations of Alaska have existed on diets high in fatty fish, specifically, types of fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Past studies of these cultures have shown that the large majority of these groups do not suffer from heart problems, heart disease or other forms of vascular disease. Less known, however, was the fact that the majority of people within these cultures also do not suffer from any form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This has led some scientists to postulate that there is a strong connection between the dietary intake of fish oil or fish oil supplements and the prevention of IBDs.

Take, for instance, one example of a symptom of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: inflammation. Fish oils high in Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce its occurrence in patients suffering from IBDs. The reason for this is that when Omega-3 fatty acids are introduced into the body it suppresses the production of leukotriene B4. Omega-3s have also been shown to inhibit interleukin 1Beta. Both leukotriene B4 and interleukin 1Beta are major players in the inflammation of mucosa lining the gastrointestinal tracts.

With regular dietary intake of fish oil supplements high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), inflammation can be reduced by up to 50% in the intestinal tissues of patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis. Fish oils that have anti-inflammatory properties are only effective in reducing inflammation, but not preventing it. Results in patients with Crohn's disease haven't been quite as promising, but this area of research is still in its infancy.

Recent studies show tremendous promise in fish oil's effectiveness in preventing and reducing the effects of IBDs. These studies show that there is an increase in the manufacture of less powerful prostaglandins at the sacrifice of the more potent ones. Patients with active ulcerative colitis who were given fish oil supplements have also shown significant improvement versus patients who were given placebos. Further study with larger control groups is needed, though, in order for more accurate data to be gathered.

As further evidence of the link between Omega-3s and relief from the symptoms and inflammation of IBDs, a 12-week study involving patients who knew they were taking fish oil supplements showed a significant decline in the disease. This study was further bolstered by the results from samples of the intestinal mucosa that were found to have increased amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid. These results increase when the supplement given to the patients is encased with an enteric coating, which allows the fish oil to be released lower into the intestinal tract. This further alleviates side effects such as fishy breath, burping and flatulence related to taking fish oil supplements. Because of the fewer side effects associated with these supplements, treatment over the long-term is more tolerable.

A Worldwide Phenomenon

With more notice being taken of the effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on the health of people who take them on a consistent basis, the worldwide scientific community has opened up more to the idea of this supplement being used for effective treatment of IBDs. For instance, in Italy, a study was conducted using enteric-coated fish oil supplements and a notable reduction in the rate of relapse in Crohn's disease remission was noted. The patients involved in this study showed evidence of inflammation at the beginning of the study and were suffering from the symptoms related to Crohn's. In this study, patients suffering from the disease received either three fish oil capsules three times per day or a placebo three times per day. Those patients receiving fish oil supplements showed a significant reduction in the inflammation.

Among 39 patients in the placebo group, almost 70% of the patients who were in remission, relapsed. Out of the 39 patients supplementing their diet with fish oil capsules, only 28% relapsed. Further, after a year, nearly 60% of the 39 patients being given fish oil supplements were still in remission while only 25% of the patients given the placebo were in remission.

Given the small size of the study group it is only possible to speculate on the efficacy of treatment for Crohn's disease patients, however, the results of this study are promising. If scientists are given the opportunity to produce a study with a much larger group of patients, better and more accurate data could be gathered which could lead to even more positive results. More research would also allow scientists and doctors to understand the ways in which the EPA works to help increase time of remission.

There is strong speculation that patients suffering from IBDs lack a particular enzyme found in Omega-3 pathways and that when this enzyme is present, remission and even prevention of IBDs is possible. In a sense, adding an Omega-3 supplement to the diet of a patient suffering from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis appears to be a type of enzyme replacement therapy.

In Japan, medical researchers at Shiga University of Medical Science conducted a study in which the diet of Crohn's disease patients was altered to include a meal of rice, cooked fish and soup. Prior to the establishment of this diet, the occurrence of relapse within one year was 90%. After implementation of the diet the occurrence of relapse dropped to 40% within one year. Results like this are encouraging other countries to do similar studies.

In the United States, research conducted at Boston University Medical Center shows that patients with chronic IBD have unusual fatty acid profiles that were generally lower than control subjects who did not suffer from any type of chronic intestinal disorder. Because of this lack of fatty acids, it is believed that these patients are more prone to these problems. The study also suggests that the addition of Omega-3 fatty acids via a diet that adds fish oil or fish oil supplements can help reduce and correct this shortage.

Another study in San Francisco that involved patients with ulcerative colitis showed that there is an increase in leukotriene B4 in the colonic lining. The hypothesis in this study is that an increase in fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis could inhibit the synthesis of the leukotrienes. If this is possible, fish oil supplements would be responsible for a reduction or elimination of the symptoms associated with inflammation of the bowels in this disease.

The final results of the study show that the hypothesis was accurate. Patients in the study were randomized and placed into two different groups. The study group received regular daily doses of fish oil containing 2.7 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.8 grams of docosahexaenoic acid. The second set of patients were placed into a control group and given placebo capsules filled with olive oil. Over a three-month period, patients receiving the fish oil supplements showed marked improvement in the severity of the symptoms of the disease. In fact, 72% of the study group taking the supplements was able to reduce or completely terminate their anti-inflammation and steroid medication schedules. The final outcome of the study was that fish oil supplements were integral to the improvement of patients suffering from ulcerative colitis.

A similar study done at Mount Sinai School of Medicine shows that the regular use of fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis diminishes the severity of the disease. Fully 70% of the patients involved in the study showed moderate to significant improvement and 80% of the patients in the study were able to reduce their intake of prednisone, an anti-inflammatory used to help alleviate symptoms of the disease, by up to 66%.

Taking the Next Steps

Studies are showing positive results and it's obvious that the Omega-3 fatty acids inherent to fish oil supplements are beneficial to our intestinal health. The obvious thing to do is find out what types of fish oil supplements are the best. Personal research will aid you in finding the correct supplements and additionally, if you suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, you should consult with your physician about the benefits of adding a fish oil supplement to your diet and what dosage you should take. There is, however, some basic information about fish oil supplements that you need to know.

First of all, not all fish oil supplements are created equal. Cod liver oil is, by far, the most inexpensive form of fish oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it does not contain the highest amounts and in most cases it cannot be taken in high doses because of impurities such as mercury that are left in it. It also has an extremely powerful taste that most have trouble tolerating.

A much better choice for supplementing your diet with fish oil is a health food grade supplement. These supplements have been purified using a process called molecular distillation. This process eliminates nearly all of the impurities and is very safe when taken in the doses necessary to help alleviate the symptoms associated with IBDs.

The purest form of fish oil supplements is pharmaceutical grade. These supplements have also been processed using molecular distillation, however, at a much higher level. The process used in filtering out the impurities gets rid of all of them down to the particulate level. These supplements, of course, are also the most expensive, but will have the greatest impact on your ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are proving to be phenomenal and it is anyone's guess as to the limits of what these supplements can do for our health. With few side effects that are relatively minor, fish oil supplements are a good choice to help you improve your overall health. The fact that they can be used to inhibit the relapse of the symptoms of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is even more exciting. Omega-3 fatty acids are carving out a healthy niche in the diets of individuals worldwide and everyone is all the better for it.